
Archive for the ‘Organizaciones’ Category

Acerca de la Eugenesia y El Origen del SIDA como Arma Biologica

In Organizaciones on 29 marzo 2010 at 00:51

El origen del SIDA Cuando el profesor Jacob Segal, antiguo director del Instituto Biológico de Berlín, inició sus investigaciones sobre el sida, no podía imaginar que sus trabajos le conducirían a abrir la puerta de una de las páginas más vergonzosas de la historia secreta de nuestro tiempo. Sus primeras sospechas comenzaron a aflorar cuando descubrió la increíble semejanza entre el VIH -virus causante de la enfermedad- y otras dos especies víricas: el visna, una patología cerebral del ganado ovino que no se contagia al ser humano, y el HTLV-I, una forma de leucemia que ataca a las células T y raramente resulta fatal. El genoma del VIH es idéntico al del visna, mucho más parecido a éste que a cualquier otro retrovirus conocido, y el tres por ciento diferente corresponde con total exactitud a un fragmento del código genético del HTLV-I.

Las implicaciones de este descubrimiento comenzaron a espantar al profesor Segal. Tal grado de semejanza resultaba imposible como fruto de un proceso natural de evolución y mutación. La única explicación posible a este fenómeno es que alguien hubiera producido un híbrido de estos dos virus mediante ingeniería genética. El potencial destructivo del VIH podría haber sido incluso previsto por sus hipotéticos creadores, ya que su patología combina los efectos complementarios de ambas enfermedades. Los pacientes que no fallecen a causa de la deficiencia inmunológica provocada por el virus terminan presentando el mismo tipo de deterioro orgánico que las ovejas infectadas por el visna. 

El profesor Segal debió de acercarse mucho a la verdad ya que -según la información publicada por el diario británico Sunday Express- dos funcionarios de la embajada estadounidense visitaron al científico en su domicilio para interrogarle sobre lo que sabía y pensaba de la enfermedad. También se le inquirió acerca de sus fuentes de información e intereses a la hora de redactar sus informes sobre el sida: "Uno dijo que era historiador y otro cónsul. Sin embargo, estoy seguro de que eran agentes de la CIA y que estaban seriamente preocupados respecto a que el encubrimiento oficial sobre el verdadero origen del sida pudiera ser puesto al descubierto. Les dije que conocía los experimentos llevados a cabo a mediados de la década de los setenta en Fort detrick, donde el Cuerpo de Investigación Médica del ejército estadounidense tiene su cuartel general. Estos experimentos se realizaron sobre reclusos con grandes condenas a los que se les prometió el indulto a cambio de su colaboración. Estoy casi seguro de que estos científicos desconocían el alcance de su terrible creación: el virus del sida".

El hecho de que la teoría de Segal, que podría suponer una pista perfectamente válida a la hora de desarrollar un tratamiento o vacuna para la enfermedad, hay sido silenciada completamente en Estados Unidos y encontrado muy escasa difusión en Europa, hace pensar en una "mano negra" que pretende ocultar la verdad. Una verdad demasiado terrible para ser conocida por la opinión pública. Alemania, patria de Segal, es el único país donde sus ideas han encontrado un cierto predicamento. La televisión alemana dedicó un amplio reportaje de sus trabajos, y publicaciones tan prestigiosas como Stern o Der Spiegel se han interesado por su figura a través de sendas entrevistas. Sin embargo, y a pesar del alcance de los datos aportados en el libro de Segal, solamente en Alemania (AIDS-errenger aus dem Gen-Labor? -El virus del sida, ¿viene de un laboratorio genético?- Simon&Leutner, Berlín 1987) e India (El origen del sida, Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad, 1989) pudo encontrar editores dispuestos a darlo a conocer.

Las revistas científicas se han negado sistemáticamente a publicar sus trabajos, lo cual ciertamente llama la atención ya que, si son tan absurdas sus teorías, sería muy fácil rebatirlas en la estricta ortodoxia del método científico. Si el eje principal sobre el que giran los argumentos de Segal consiste en que el VIH es una combinación del HTLV-I y el visna, este proceso debería ser reproducible en laboratorio, lo que aportaría a la teoría una certidumbre absoluta. Según Segal, el experimento podría ser completado en menos de dos semanas, contando con un laboratorio y personal adecuado. En 1977 -fecha estimada del desarrollo del virus- este proceso habría tomado algo más de tiempo, alrededor de seis meses.

En cambio, la teoría "oficial" sobre el origen de le enfermedad tuvo una difusión extraordinaria en los medios de comunicación. Según ésta, el VIH se habría originado entre determinadas especies de monos africanos , de los que habría pasado al hombre a partir de una mutación. Esta hipótesis, que algunos expertos han bautizado como la "leyenda africana", plantea un escenario absurdo desde el punto de vista epidemiológico por dos razones fundamentales: la primera es que el VIH es demasiado diferente de cualquier otro retrovirus que padezcan humanos o primates como para justificar su aparición merced a una mutación natural. El segundo argumento para desechar la "leyenda africana" es mucho más revelador. Los primeros casos documentados de sida en África datan de 1983, mientras que mucho antes -en 1979- comenzaron a registrarse casos entre la comunidad homosexual de Nueva York.

Un arma biológica

El argumento de Segal deja abiertos multitud de interrogantes. Si el virus del sida es una creación artificial ¿quién y por qué la llevó a cabo?

En 1948, entre las ruinas de lo que un día fuera el centro del arrogante III Reich, un joven y prometedor oficial de inteligencia llamado Henry Kissinger se vio involucrado en el conocido como Proyecto Paperclip. El propósito de esta operación consistía en reclutar a antiguos nazis para que prestaran sus servicios en las más altas esferas del ejército, el espionaje, la tecnología espacial, la biología y la medicina estadounidense. Los responsables de la operación pusieron especial celo en proteger a ciertos criminales de guerra relacionados con la experimentació n sobre seres humanos, entre los que se incluía al infame Joseph Mengele -"el ángel de la muerte"- su asistente, Klaus Barbie -"el carnicero de Lyon"-, Walter Rauff, supervisor en las SS de las cámaras de gas móviles, Friederich Schwend, sádico asesino de masas, y a Erich Traub, experto en enfermedades víricas a cuyo cargo se encontraba la sección de armamento biológico del Instituto de Investigación del Reich.

Veinte años más tarde, Kissinger renunciaba a su cátedra en la Universidad de Harvard y a su lucrativa posición en el emporio Rockefeller para convertirse en la mano derecha del presidente Richard Nixon, como director del Consejo Nacional de Seguridad. En estos días esta de actualidad una conversación mantenida con Nixon en que se le pedía consejo para la utilización de armas nucleares en Vietnam. Por aquel entonces la guerra fría se encontraba en uno de sus puntos más delicados y a Kissinger se le planteó la necesidad de encontrar una alternativa viable al empleo del armamento nuclear. Sin embargo, no era tarea fácil. ¿Dónde se podría encontrar algo tan devastador como una cabeza atómica pero cuyo empleo no supusiera la completa destrucción del planeta?

A esta pregunta parece contestar un documento fechado el 9 de junio de 1969. En él se transcribe la comparecencia del Dr. Donald M. McArthur -Director Adjunto de Investigación y Tecnología del Departamento de Defensa- ante el subcomité de Dotaciones del Congreso de los Estados Unidos, órgano encargado de la asignación de presupuestos militares. Durante su intervención, el Dr. McArthur solicitó a la cámara una partida presupuestaria de diez millones de dólares a fin de sufragar el desarrollo, en menos de diez años, de una nueva arma biológica consistente en un microorganismo contagioso capaz de destruir el régimen inmunológico humano: "Un microorganismo infeccioso que diferiría en ciertos aspectos importantes de cualquier agente patógeno conocido. Lo más importante de esto es que puede ser refractario al proceso inmunológico y terapéutico del que dependemos para mantener una relativa inmunidad ante las enfermedades infecciosas. .. Un programa de investigación que explore la viabilidad de este planteamiento podría ser complementado en aproximadamente cinco años, con un coste total de unos diez millones de dólares". Por si entre los congresistas existiera algún pudor a la hora de financiar semejante monstruosidad, McArthur aderezó su intervención apelando a los, por aquel entonces muy vigentes, fantasmas de la Guerra Fría: "Existe poca duda de que el enemigo pueda desarrollar un elemento similar, enfrentándonos ante una importante área de inferioridad potencial en una tecnología militar sobre la que no contamos con un programa de investigación adecuado". Sus argumentos debieron resultar suficientemente convincentes para los miembros del Subcomité ya que el Dr. McArthur obtuvo los diez millones de dólares que tanto necesitaba para mantener la seguridad del mundo occidental. Su discurso ante la Cámara de Representantes bien podría ser considerado como la partida de nacimiento del sida.

Se nos podría argumentar que el valor probatorio de la intervención del Dr. McArthur es relativamente pobre ya que sólo expresaba un deseo, sin que existan indicios de que tan macabro proyecto llegase jamás a buen puerto y mucho menos de que tuviera alguna relación con el sida. Por desgracia no es así. Existen pruebas, cuando menos circunstanciales, como para completar la pesadilla ideada por el Dr. McArthur con un quién, un dónde y un cuándo.

La fecha habría sido el año 1975. El lugar, el Centro de Investigación sobre Armamento Biológico de Ford Detrick, Maryland (E.E.U.U.). En este punto se da una de esas "casualidades" de las que tanto disfrutamos los teóricos de la conspiración. Precisamente en 1975, la sección de virus de ese centro de investigación militar pasó a denominarse centro Frederick de Investigación sobre el Cáncer, dependiente del Instituto Nacional de Cáncer, organismo que, junto al Centro de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades, en Atlanta, tuvo un notable protagonismo en el desarrollo del arsenal biológico estadounidense. Allí prestaba sus servicios por aquel entonces el Dr. Robert Gallo quien, curiosamente, descubrió en 1984 la existencia del VIH -virus generalmente aceptado como causante del sida- y enunció la teoría del origen africano de la enfermedad, convirtiéndose en referente imprescindible de la investigación sobre este tema. Su hipótesis en la semejanza entre el VIH y el STLV-III, un virus de los simios africanos. Éste habría sido transmitido a un ser humano a través de una mordedura. A partir de ahí, fundamentalmente por medio del sexo y las transfusiones de sangre, la enfermedad se habría ido extendiendo hasta alcanzar los niveles actuales. Como historia no está mal, pero deja tantos puntos oscuros (especialmente el cómo y por qué de la mutación del virus, pasando espontánea e inmediatamente de inofensivo a mortal) que no resiste el más leve análisis crítico de lo que debe ser una hipótesis científica..

Existen evidencias de que, durante la primera mitad de la década de los setenta, Gallo estuvo trabajando para la CIA en el marco de un proyecto secreto denominado MK-Naomi relativo al desarrollo de armas biológicas, muy similares a lo que hoy conocemos como el sida o el ébola. Durante la etapa en que este programa estuvo en funcionamiento arreció la incidencia de ciertos microorganismos infecciosos como el E. Coli 157, la bacteria devoradora de carne y los meningococos, así como de nuevos virus: el sida, el ébola, el hanta y la hepatitis C, entre otros. También se verificaron aumentos en la mortandad asociada a cánceres de los tejidos blandos, como el de próstata, el de mama o los linfomas todos ellos comúnmente achacados a la exposición a contaminantes químicos y ambientales o a la acción de toxinas de origen artificial.

En relación con el proyecto MK-Naomi, el director de la CIA, William Colby, admitió que el interés de la agencia en el armamento biológico estaba directamente vinculado a las operaciones encubiertas realizadas en Zaire, Angola y Sudán, los países más castigados por el sida y el ébola. Nathan Gordon, jefe de la sección química de la División de Servicios Técnicos de la CIA declaró, además, que la ingente cantidad de material biológico almacenada por la agencia era susceptible de ser empleada en proyectos de inmunización masiva, desarrollo de nuevas vacunas e investigación sobre el cáncer. Ése habría sido el campo en el que el Doctor Gallo estuvo ocupado durante su pertenencia al servicio de inteligencia.

Fort Detrick: el paraíso de Maquiavelo.

En esta instalación, entre el otoño de 1977 y la primavera de 1978, habría nacido el VIH, concretamente en uno de los laboratorios conocidos como P4 -de máxima seguridad-, en el que se habrían combinado los materiales genéticos del visna y el HTLV-I. La fase experimental se habría llevado a cabo empleando como conejillos de indias a convictos de diversas prisiones federales, a los que se habría ofrecido la conmutación de sus penas a cambio de su colaboración en un programa de investigación médica, una práctica habitual, aunque de sospechosa ética, en el sistema norteamericano.

Todo podría haber sido un mero peldaño más en la sórdida historia de la experimentació n con seres humanos de no ser por un fallo que cometieron los experimentadores. Los padres del VIH no sospecharon que la enfermedad pudiera tener un periodo de incubación tan enormemente largo como el del sida que, en muchos casos, supera ampliamente la decena de años. Al no apreciar los científicos ningún tipo de síntomas en los sujetos, el experimento fue considerado un fracaso y los "conejillos" puestos en libertad tal y como se les había prometido. A partir de ese momento la epidemia se convirtió en incontrolable. El alto porcentaje de toxicomanía y homosexualidad entre los reclusos fue seguramente lo que provocó que estos colectivos hayan sido los más castigados por la enfermedad desde que en 1979 aparecieran los primeros casos entre la comunidad homosexual de Nueva York.

El principal valedor de esta versión ha sido el propio Jacob Segal, lo que le ha valido encontrarse en el ojo del huracán de una polémica que no le ha reportado sino quebraderos de cabeza. Entre la multitud de críticas recibidas por Segal, cabe destacar la de uno de los personajes más directamente implicados por sus acusaciones, el Dr. Robert Gallo, quien en una entrevista publicada el 18 de abril de 1987 calificaba todo el planteamiento del científico alemán como una "maniobra propagandística del KGB". Es posible que con tan pintoresca afirmación el Dr. Gallo pretendiera combatir el fuego con el fuego y atacar con una conspiración a quien tan claramente le había implicado en otra.

En medio de esta polémica y para hacer aún más confuso el asunto, en 1987 Peter Duesberg enunciaba una teoría según la cual el sida no estaría producido por ningún virus. A nadie se le escapa que si el VIH no es el causante de la enfermedad toda la historia que acabamos de relatar no tendría la menor base, por lo que entre los más suspicaces se sospechó que Duesberg no fuera sino un mero embaucador al servicio de los intereses de los verdaderos creadores del sida y su maniobra fuera de intoxicación.

Como apuntábamos anteriormente, una de las características más notables de la teoría de Segal es que nadie se haya tomado la molestia de comprobarla, a pesar de lo relativamente fácil que sería contando con los servicios de un laboratorio bien equipado. Si el científico alemán está en lo cierto y el VIH no es sino una suma genética de otros dos microorganismos, esa operación podría ser reproducida tantas veces como se deseara, lo que corroboraría su exposición. Sin embargo, nadie ha tenido la suficiente "curiosidad científica" como para intentar comprobar por sí mismo si esto es posible. Esta circunstancia se convierte en especialmente sospechosa al aparecer en escena una teoría como la de Duesberg, cuyo fin último sería el cerrar para siempre el debate sobre el origen del virus.

Llegados a este punto, uno no puede menos que plantear una pregunta impertinente: ¿cuál es la misteriosa razón que ha llevado a que las teorías de Duesberg y Gallo, sin comprobación experimental posible, hayan sido profusamente divulgadas a través de los medios de comunicación, mientras que la hipótesis del Dr. Segal, cuya comprobación experimental sería relativamente sencilla, ha sido sistemáticamente ignorada? En este caso no se puede hablar del rechazo que la comunidad científica y los medios de comunicación puedan sentir ante una postura heterodoxa, ya que la teoría de Duesberg, que niega la existencia misma del virus, es bastante más extravagante que la del Dr. Segal, quien sólo sospecha de su origen. No creemos que vayan por ahí los tiros. Si se ha calumniado y enterrado profesionalmente al Dr. Jacob Segal ha sido por apuntar la posibilidad de que se hubiera producido una conspiración cuyo alcance haría que el asesinato de Kennedy fuera en comparación una mera novatada de estudiantes. De hecho, en el propio legislativo norteamericano, hay quien ha contemplado seriamente esta eventualidad, como el congresista neoyorquino Theodore Weiss, famoso por su defensa de los derechos homosexuales, quien en un discurso parlamentario pronunció las siguientes palabras: "Dadas las actitudes que frente a la homosexualidad y los homosexuales demuestran ciertos sectores de nuestra sociedad, la posibilidad de que se haya empleado armamento biológico debe ser seriamente observada".

¿Llevaba el congresista Weiss demasiado lejos sus conclusiones? Es posible, pero las estadísticas parecen darle la razón. A pesar de que potencialmente cualquiera puede ser víctima del sida, esta enfermedad se ha cebado con especial saña en sectores muy definidos de la población, como los homosexuales, los toxicómanos y los africanos, convirtiéndose en la primera epidemia de la historia que selecciona socialmente a sus presas. El cincuenta por ciento de los 210.000 casos de sida documentados en los Estados Unidos durante 1992 eran afroamericanos y el 31% hispanos, nativos o asiáticos, cuando estos colectivos apenas forman el 12% de la población norteamericana.

Pero vayamos un poco más lejos. A escala mundial, la desproporción entre blancos y otras razas es mucho mayor que en los E.E.U.U. Esta enfermedad se está convirtiendo en una forma de "genocidio natural" que hubiera sido la envidia de los jerarcas nazis. Las poblaciones de otras razas están siendo diezmadas mientras que los blancos permanecen relativamente incólumes, o por los menos, los blancos moralmente sanos. 

Esto llamó poderosamente la atención de Steven Thomas, investigador de salud pública en la Universidad de Maryland, a escasos kilómetros de las instalaciones de Ford Detrick: "La gente quiere saber. ¿Ha sido producido por el hombre? ¿es una forma de genocidio? ¿Son ciertas las estadísticas? Actualmente estamos en posesión de datos suficientes como para afirmar que la falsificación de las estadísticas gubernamentales respecto al sida es un hecho real y que la creencia de que esta enfermedad es una forma de genocidio es también real". Esto es llegar mucho más lejos de lo que hizo el Dr. Segal con sus teorías. Tal vez sea mejor seguir pensando que estamos ante un microorganismo desconocido o, como mucho, frente a las catastróficas consecuencias de un incidente de laboratorio. Lo contrario sería suponer que desde los tiempos de la cámara de gas y el horno crematorio sólo se ha avanzado en crear medios cada vez más maquiavélicos de exterminar a nuestros semejantes.

Como último comentario recordemos que el gobierno racista de Sudáfrica se planteó crear un virus que sólo afectara a personas de un determinado grupo genético. Entre los que se barajó el color de los ojos y la clase y color del pelo.

Este proyecto era mucho más selectivo que el "primitivo" virus del sida. Y no produciría víctimas colaterales no deseadas. 

Virus del SIDA

The AIDS Development and the Institute of Biologie and Physico-Chimique. Claude Bernard and the Edmond de Rothschild Institute

In Organizaciones on 29 marzo 2010 at 00:27

L’Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique,




«The goal of this Institute will be to uncover the physico-chemical mechanisms of life’s processes. To this end, guided by the principles of Claude Bernard concerning the physico-chemical underpinning of life and in an endeavour to extend the work of this renowned physiologist, the new Institute will bring together physicists, chemists and biologists to study the problems posed by the many facets of physiological function. Such a collaboration, which has often been sought after, but, until now, never organized, will be the essential characteristic of the Edmond de Rothschild Institute.»

Extract from a communication to the French Academy of Sciences by P. Appell, M. Moureu and J. Perrin (1927).


The origins of the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique (IBPC) lie with two men: Jean Perrin, Nobel laureatefor physics in 1926 for his work on the atomic structure of matter and the Baron Edmond de Rothschild, a banker and a great philanthropist. Jean Perrin was a man with a broad vision whose interests ranged from cathode rays, Brownian motion and astrophysics to physical chemistry and biology. He founded the both the Science Museum (Palais de la Decouverte) and the Astrophysics Institute in Paris and was the father of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). The Baron Edmond de Rothschild was the benefactor who made possible the construction of the Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, completed in 1930 and then considered to be the most modern laboratory in France. The elegant style of the building is immediately apparent, notably in the library, which became an important asset for all the other institutes on the campus. The Baron Edmond de Rothschild, who was a member of the French Academy of Fine Arts, was interested in science and particularly in biology, about which he had learnt from Claude Bernard. He was also fascinated by Brownian movement which Jean Perrin had shown him and he felt that more should be done to understand the physico-chemical basis of life.


At a time (the 1930’s), when, for both technological and epistemological reasons, scientific domains were viewed in a segmented and hierarchical fashion, the creation of the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique was a major event in the scientific world. It was also remarkably far-sighted, since interdisciplinarity has become one of today’s keywords in the life sciences. This need is exemplified by the goal of deciphering genomes, where understanding the genetic message of an organism can lead to an understanding of physiology at the molecular level, but exploiting this mass of data, characterizing the objects and processes brought to light and linking them into integrated systems cannot be achieved without a multidisciplinary approach. Mathematics, computer science, physics and chemistry are as necessary as biology for studying living objects. Our Institute, which belongs to both the life sciences and chemistry departments of CNRS, has maintained the broad-mindedness of its founders and remains a privileged centre for multidisciplinary research. 




                        «There are at least three cases which justify the creation of a research institute; … the third case is when one wishes to bring together scientists from different disciplines to live and work side by side on problems which lie at inter-disciplinary boundaries, and it is this that the Baron Edmond de Rothschild wished to do in founding the Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique ».

Extract from a speech made by A. Mayer, professor of the Collège de France, during the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Institute in 1953.


The audacity of Jean Perrin’s project made it unlikely to succeed within the university system of that time and it is thanks to a private, philanthropic gesture, that of the Baron Edmond de Rothschild, that IBPC was created. Having overcome the barriers imposed by the university structures, the Institute’s founders also invented a new mode of functioning.

Multidisciplinarity required the existence of autonomous scientific departments. In 1930, IBPC consisted of the Department of Physics directed by Jean Perrin, the Department of Chemistry directed by Georges Urbain, the Department of Physiology directed by André Mayer and the Department of Physico-Chemical Physiology directed by Pierre Girard. The staff of IBPC were paid by the Edmond de Rothschild foundation and had no teaching obligations.


«Along with the physiologists Pierre Girard and André Mayer and the chemists André Job and Georges Urbain, I had the honour to organize and direct this establishment. Naturally, we dreamed of generalising the principle and, during our weekly discussions, we established the project of a national research organisation, which I undertook to write up and publish »

Jean Perrin (1938), from a speech to the high council for scientific research.


IBPC was the test tube in which Jean Perrin prepared the future CNRS. This grand project maintained the three characteristics of the Institute: multidisciplinarity, the existence of independent research units and salaried staff for whom research was the main activity. Over the years, the task of running the Institute became too heavy for the Foundation and in 1997 the Institute became part of the CNRS. The organisation created by its founders was however retained and the departments, which became CNRS research units (either exclusively, "UPR", or in collaboration with Paris universities, "UMR") were grouped together within a Federated Research Institute of the CNRS (FRC). Each research unit is evaluated independently and the functioning of the Institute relies on a steering committee with participants representing both the life sciences and chemistry departments of the CNRS. The Edmond de Rothschild Foundation for Research Development maintains its interest in IBPC and continues to generously support the Institute.


While remaining faithful to its original spirit, IBPC has succeeded in evolving. Renovation of the buildings has been undertaken in order to adapt them to current standards for research and for security, without damaging their aesthetic qualities. A laboratory of crystallography is currently being set up. This laboratory will be a shared facility, enabling research units for whom structural biology is not a central activity, to obtain high resolution macromolecular structures. It therefore obeys the principal that modern molecular biology must encompass structural biology. The laboratories of Régulation de l’expression génétique chez les microorganismes and Biochimie théorique are developing collaborative projects on bacterial proteins that interact with RNA. The laboratory of Physico-chimie des membranes biologiques is currently developing a general programme for the crystallographic study of membrane proteins. The laboratory of crystallography is also open to the other institutions of the Montagne Sainte-Geneviève site and such accessibility undoubtedly constitutes an important element in the development of this prestigious campus.

Paneles Delphi y Planeacion Por Escenarios

In Organizaciones on 22 Maggio 2009 at 19:58

Paneles Delphi

El presente estudio tiene como principal objetivo conocer las valoraciones,
expectativas y pronósticos de un panel multidisciplinar de especialistas sobre
una serie de factores en transformación que en el futuro inmediato serán
determinantes en la evolución de las condiciones de crecimiento de la economía
en el territorio objeto de estudio.
Se pretende que sus resultados ofrezcan una visión estratégica sobre el
problema del envejecimiento y los factores relacionados con éste, así como
sobre su previsible evolución en los próximos 15 años.

El análisis Delphi requerirá varias fases:

Fase 1.
Delimitar los eventos sobre los que se va a realizar la previsión , el
horizonte temporal contemplado y seleccionar el panel de expertos.

Fase 2.Primera Ronda.
Elaboración y envío del cuestionario y análisis estadístico de las respuestas
al cuestionario.

Fase 3.Segunda Ronda.
Incorporación en el cuestionario de cuestiones relevantes planteadas por los
expertos , adición del análisis estadístico al cuestionario, envío del segundo
cuestionario y recepción y análisis estadístico final de las respuestas del

Fase 4.
Síntesis de resultados y conclusiones para el observatorio.

Métodos generales de prospectiva, El Metodo Delphi

In Organizaciones on 22 Maggio 2009 at 19:48

El método Delphi



Métodos generales de prospectiva.

Las organizaciones empresariales tienen como objetivo tanto
obtener los mayores beneficios económicos como ser capaces de existir durante
el máximo tiempo posible. Para ello realizan un plan estratégico en el que se
reflejan cuáles son las líneas productivas que se deben seguir manteniendo,
cuáles deberían implantarse y qué modificaciones debe sufrir la organización
para lograr sus objetivos.

Para conseguir que este plan tenga éxito, la empresa debe conocer el entorno
en el que se desarrolla su actividad. Así, debe conocer cuáles son los peligros
que la amenazan (pérdida de competitividad, desconocimiento de las nuevas
tecnologías, pérdida de mercado, …) y cuáles las oportunidades que aparecen
(utilización de nuevas tecnologías que mejoran el rendimiento en la
organización, fortalecimiento de la posición ante el mercado, …). Además, las
empresas estarán interesadas en conocer la evolución que va a sufrir este
entorno en el futuro.

Para ello, los métodos de prospectiva estudian el futuro en lo que se
refiere a la evolución de los factores del entorno tecno-socio-económico y las
interacciones entre estos factores. De esta manera las organizaciones podrán
desarrollar sus planes estratégicos con la seguridad de que se van a conseguir
los objetivos a largo plazo que tenía previstos.

Dentro de los métodos generales de prospectiva se pueden destacar los

  • Métodos de expertos: Se basan
    en la consulta a personas que tienen grandes conocimientos sobre el
    entorno en el que la organización desarrolla su labor. Estas personas
    exponen sus ideas y finalmente se redacta un informe en el que se indican
    cuáles son, en su opinión, las posibles alternativas que se tendrán en el
  • Métodos extrapolativos: En
    este método se proyectan hacia el futuro los datos de evolución que se
    tienen del pasado. Para ello se recopila la información histórica
    disponible y se buscan posibles tendencias o ciclos evolutivos. Estos nos
    darán los posibles entornos futuros.
  • Métodos de correlación: En
    éstos se intenta ver qué factores están implicados en un desarrollo y en
    qué grado influyen. Teniendo esto presente se determina cuál es la posible
    línea evolutiva que van a seguir todos estos factores.

Métodos de expertos.

Dentro de los métodos generales
de prospectiva
cabe destacar aquellos que se basan en la consulta a
expertos, que reciben la denominación de métodos de expertos.

Los métodos de expertos utilizan como fuente de información un grupo de
personas a las que se supone un conocimiento elevado de la materia que se va a
tratar. Estos métodos se emplean cuando se da alguna de las siguientes

  1. No existen datos históricos
    con los que trabajar. Un caso típico de esta situación es la previsión de
    implantación de nuevas tecnologías.
  2. El impacto de los factores
    externos tiene más influencia en la evolución que el de los internos. Así,
    la aparición de una legislación favorable y reguladora y el apoyo por
    parte de algunas empresas a determinadas tecnologías pueden provocar un
    gran desarrollo de éstas que de otra manera hubiese sido más lento.
  3. Las consideraciones éticas
    o morales dominan sobre los económicas y tecnológicas en un proceso de
    evolutivo. En este caso, una tecnología puede ver dificultado su
    desarrollo si éste provoca un alto rechazo en la sociedad (un ejemplo lo
    tenemos en la tecnología genética, que ve dificultado su avance por los
    problemas morales que implica la posibilidad de manipulación del

Los métodos de expertos tienen las siguientes ventajas:

  • La información disponible
    está siempre más contrastada que aquella de la que dispone el participante
    mejor preparado, es decir, que la del experto más versado en el tema. Esta
    afirmación se basa en la idea de que varias cabezas son mejor que una.
  • El número de factores que
    es considerado por un grupo es mayor que el que podría ser tenido en
    cuenta por una sola persona. Cada experto podrá aportar a la discusión
    general la idea que tiene sobre el tema debatido desde su área de

Sin embargo, estos métodos también presentan inconvenientes,
como son:

  • La desinformación que
    presenta el grupo como mínimo tan grande como la que presenta cada
    individuo aislado. Se supone que la falta de información de unos
    participantes es solventada con la que aportan otros, aunque no se puede
    asegurar que esto suceda.
  • La presión social que el
    grupo ejerce sobre sus participantes puede provocar acuerdos con la
    mayoría, aunque la opinión de ésta sea errónea. Así, un experto puede
    renunciar a la defensa de su opinión ante la persistencia del grupo en
  • El grupo hace de su
    supervivencia un fin. Esto provoca que se tienda a conseguir un acuerdo en
    lugar de producir una buena previsión.
  • En estos grupos hay veces
    que el argumento que triunfa es el más citado, en lugar de ser el más
  • Estos grupos son
    vulnerables a la posición y personalidad de algunos de los individuos. Una
    persona con dotes de comunicador puede convencer al resto de individuos,
    aunque su opinión no sea la más acertada. Esta situación se puede dar
    también cuando uno de los expertos ocupa un alto cargo en la organización,
    ya que sus subordinados no le rebatirán sus argumentos con fuerza.
  • Puede existir un sesgo
    común a todos los participantes en función de su procedencia o su cultura,
    lo que daría lugar a la no aparición en el debate de aspectos influyentes
    en la evolución. Este problema se suele evitar con una correcta elección
    de los participantes.

El método de expertos ideal sería aquel que extrajese los
beneficios de la interacción directa y eliminase sus inconvenientes. Esta
intenta ser la filosofía de la metodología Delphi.


El método Delphi pretende extraer y maximizar las ventajas
que presentan los métodos basados en grupos de expertos y minimizar sus
inconvenientes. Para ello se aprovecha la sinergia del debate en el grupo y se
eliminan las interacciones sociales indeseables que existen dentro de todo
grupo. De esta forma se espera obtener un consenso lo más fiable posible del
grupo de expertos

Este método presenta tres características fundamentales:

  • Anonimato: Durante un
    Delphi, ningún experto conoce la identidad de los otros que componen el
    grupo de debate. Esto tiene una serie de aspectos positivos, como son:
    • Impide la posibilidad
      de que un miembro del grupo sea influenciado por la reputación de otro de
      los miembros o por el peso que supone oponerse a la mayoría. La única
      influencia posible es la de la congruencia de los argumentos.
    • Permite que un
      miembro pueda cambiar sus opiniones sin que eso suponga una pérdida de
    • El experto puede
      defender sus argumentos con la tranquilidad que da saber que en caso de
      que sean erróneos, su equivocación no va a ser conocida por los otros
  • Iteración y realimentación
    controlada: La iteración se consigue al presentar varias veces el mismo
    cuestionario. Como, además, se van presentando los resultados obtenidos
    con los cuestionarios anteriores, se consigue que los expertos vayan
    conociendo los distintos puntos de vista y puedan ir modificando su
    opinión si los argumentos presentados les parecen más apropiados que los
  • Respuesta del grupo en
    forma estadística: La información que se presenta a los expertos no es
    sólo el punto de vista de la mayoría, sino que se presentan todas las
    opiniones indicando el grado de acuerdo que se ha obtenido.

En la realización de un Delphi aparece una terminología


Es cada uno de los sucesivos
cuestionarios que se presenta al grupo de expertos.


El cuestionario es el documento
que se envía a los expertos. No es sólo un documento que contiene una lista de
preguntas, sino que es el documento con el que se consigue que los expertos
interactúen, ya que en él se presentarán los resultados de anteriores


Es el conjunto de expertos que
toma parte en el Delphi.


Es la persona responsable de
recoger las respuestas del panel y preparar los cuestionarios.


Antes de iniciar un Delphi se realizan una serie de tareas
previas, como son:

  • Delimitar el contexto y el
    horizonte temporal en el que se desea realizar la previsión sobre el tema
    en estudio.
  • Seleccionar el panel de
    expertos y conseguir su compromiso de colaboración. Las personas que sean
    elegidas no sólo deben ser grandes conocedores del tema sobre el que se
    realiza el estudio, sino que deben presentar una pluralidad en sus
    planteamientos. Esta pluralidad debe evitar la aparición de sesgos en la
    información disponible en el panel.
  • Explicar a los expertos en
    qué consiste el método. Con esto se pretende conseguir la obtención de
    previsiones fiables, pues van los expertos van a conocer en todo momento
    cuál es el objetivo de la cada una de los procesos que requiere la

En un Delphi clásico se pueden distinguir cuatro
circulaciones o fases:

  • Primera circulación

El primer cuestionario es desestructurado, no
existe un guión prefijado, sino que se pide a los expertos que establezcan
cuáles son los eventos y tendencias más importantes que van a suceder en el
futuro referentes al área en estudio.

Cuando los cuestionarios son devueltos, éste
realiza una labor de síntesis y selección, obteniéndose un conjunto manejable
de eventos, en el que cada uno está definido de la forma más clara posible.
Este conjunto formará el cuestionario de la segunda circulación.

  • Segunda circulación

Los expertos reciben el cuestionario con los
sucesos y se les pregunta por la fecha de ocurrencia. Una vez contestados, los
cuestionarios son devueltos al moderador, que realiza un análisis estadístico
de las previsiones de cada evento. El análisis se centra en el cálculo de la
mediana (año en que hay un 50% de expertos que piensan que va a suceder en ese
año o antes), el primer cuartil o cuartil inferior (en el que se produce lo
mismo para el 25% de los expertos) y tercer cuartil o cuartil superior (para el

El moderador confecciona el cuestionario de la
tercera circulación que comprende la lista de eventos y los estadísticos
calculados para cada evento.

  • Tercera circulación

Los expertos reciben el tercer cuestionario y se
les solicita que realicen nuevas previsiones. Si se reafirman en su previsión
anterior y ésta queda fuera de los márgenes entre los cuartiles inferior y
superior, deben dar una explicación del motivo por el que creen que su
previsión es correcta y la del resto del panel no. Estos argumentos se
realimentarán al panel en la siguiente circulación. Al ser estos comentarios
anónimos, los expertos pueden expresarse con total libertad, no estando
sometidos a los problemas que aparecen en las reuniones cara a cara.

Cuando el moderador recibe las respuestas,
realiza de nuevo el análisis estadístico y, además, organiza los argumentos
dados por los expertos cuyas previsiones se salen de los márgenes
intercuartiles. El cuestionario de la cuarta circulación va a contener el
análisis estadístico y el resumen de los argumentos.

  • Cuarta circulación

Se solicita a los expertos que hagan nuevas
previsiones, teniendo en cuenta las explicaciones dadas por los expertos. Se
pide a todos los expertos que den su opinión en relación con las discrepancias
que han surgido en el cuestionario. Cuando el moderador recibe los
cuestionarios, realiza un nuevo análisis y sintetiza los argumentos utilizados
por los expertos.

Teóricamente, ya habría terminado el Delphi,
quedando tan sólo la elaboración de un informe en el que se indicarían las
fechas calculadas a partir del análisis de las respuestas de los expertos y los
comentarios realizados por los panelistas. Sin embargo, si no se hubiese
llegado a un consenso, existiendo posturas muy distantes, el moderador debería
confrontar los distintos argumentos para averiguar si se ha cometido algún
error en el proceso.

Método propuesto

En el Delphi que se va a desarrollar se han incorporado
algunas modificaciones que se deben a que el soporte empleado en la realización
de la consultas con los expertos permite una interacción entre ellos muy
superior a la que se conseguía con los medios tradicionales de comunicación
(carta, fax).

Este método tiene las siguientes características:

  • La explicación del método
    no se realiza previamente a su inicio, sino que se hace en estas paginas
    informativas, una vez iniciado el proceso.
  • La primera circulación no
    se realiza ya que para la realización del cuestionario se han utilizado
    las conclusiones de un Delphi que se desarrolló en el marco del Aula
    Fundesco de la E.T.S.I.T. (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de
  • Los argumentos que aporten
    los expertos para defender sus opiniones no van a ser procesadas por el
    moderador, sino que van a ser incluidas directamente en un foro de debate
    creado a tal efecto dentro de las News del servidor. De esta manera se
    consigue que el intercambio de opiniones se parezca más al de una reunión
    cara a cara, manteniéndose el anonimato.
  • El debate que se va a
    generar va a producir que las opiniones queden más contrastadas que en los
    casos en los que el Delphi se realiza por carta o por fax. Este motivo
    hace innecesaria la realización de la cuarta circulación.
  • Sólo se mandan los
    cuestionarios en dos ocasiones, con lo que se puede decir que el Delphi
    tiene dos circulaciones.
  • El proceso va a ser mucho
    más rápido, por lo que el número de expertos que abandone será menor y la
    eficiencia del Delphi aumentará.
  • Al estar toda la
    información que se genera (explicación del método, cuestionarios,
    resultados obtenidos en circulaciones anteriores) integrado en un mismo
    lugar su consulta se hace más rápida y efectiva.

Puede observarse un diagrama explicativo de esta


Rand Corporation apoyó en unos documentos la creación de un sistema de transporte subterráneo de alta velocidad

In Organizaciones on 22 Maggio 2009 at 19:36

Think-Thank norteamericana Rand Corporation apoyó en unos documentos la
creación de un sistema de transporte subterráneo de alta velocidad en Estados
Unidos de unos 14.000 Km

Noviembre 14, 2008

Este es un antiguo artículo de mi antiguo blog que me gustaría publicar de
nuevo aquí para tener un poco más divulgación en toda la opinión pública y que
todo esto se haga saber a toda persona del planeta tierra cuanto antes. Trata
sobre una suspuesta red de transporte subterráneo administrada e investigada
por un Think-Thank americano, la Rand Corporation (Nota Morfeo: Un
Think-Thankes una institución investigadora u otro tipo de organización
que ofrece consejos e ideas sobre asuntos de política, comercio e
intereses militares.os
think tank a menudo están relacionados con laboratorios militares, empresas
privadas, instituciones académicas o de otro tipo. Normalmente se trata de
organizaciones en las que trabajan varios teóricos e intelectuales
multidisciplinares que elaboran análisis o recomendaciones políticas. Un think
tankinstitución privada (normalmente en forma de fundación no comercial). Los
tiene estatus
legal de think tanks defienden diversas ideas. Sus trabajos tienen
habitualmente un peso importante en la política, particularmente en Estados

Esta supuesta red de túneles secretos estaría regulada por varias compañías
militares del complejo industrial-militar estadounidense del Nuevo Orden
. Muchas de las bases militares subterráneas en Estados Unidos
están conectadas por túneles a otras instalaciones bajo tierra. Lo dicho, lo
que a continuación vais a leer os hará recapacitar ante el mundo que está bajo
nuestros pies.

personas que afirman haber visto Reptoides también informan de que los
científicos vieron a humanos y a personal militar presente en el lugar del
encuentro. Estas experiencias indican que por lo menos uno o dos renegados o
sancionados por los grupos de inteligencia están actuando al unísono con la
cultura Humanoide-Reptiliana.

que la mayoría del presupuesto negro científico-militar de los
proyectos se llevan a cabo ocultos en centros de mando subterráneos, sentido de
la investigación que hace referencia a los avistamientos de Reptoides con
conocidas o en misteriosas instalaciones científico-militar
subterráneas secretas.

por ello que, durante muchos años, el Centro de Investigación Reptoide ha
estado promoviendo la conciencia pública de Humanoides-Reptilianos (Reptoides)
criptas, túneles subterráneos, avanzadas tecnologías para hacer túneles, y
empresas militares secretas de las bases subterráneas.

del gobierno y personal militar retirado han declarado públicamente que,
durante su empleo observaron que nuestro gobierno tiene una enorme red de
túneles, con trenes de alta velocidad y la vinculación con las bases
subterráneas secretas
. (Thomas Castello, un ex agente
de seguridad de la Base Dulce, informó de que un compañero de Dulce le había
dicho que había una estación de transporte de túneles subterráneos vinculadas y
conectadas a otras bases subterráneas secretas.)

primera vista, estas declaraciones parecen demasiado especulativas para ser
verdad. En 1972, Robert M. Salter, científico de la Rand Corporation, anunció
durante una entrevista con el escritor George Getz de la revista LA Times, que
un sistema de alta velocidad se podría construir utilizando las tecnologías
existentes (1972). También dijo que el sistema debería ser construido por
razones ambientales y económicas. ¿ De qué tipo de velocidades se trata?
Aseguró que a unas a 10.000 Km/h.

2 de agosto de 1972, Salter escribió el documento P-4874 de RAND. La
publicación se titula, “Sistema de Tránsporte de Alta Velocidad [VHST en
inglés] El informe de 17 páginas detalla las tecnologías involucradas, la
posibilidad de alcanzar altas velocidades, de los aspectos económicos y los
beneficios de la seguridad, y posibles rutas. Este documento informa de
velocidades logrables de pasajeros en 14,000 MILLAS POR HORA.

1978, esta propuesta creció en grandes dimensiónes y atrajo a un examen serio
por la continuidad de los funcionarios del Gobierno, los servicios de
inteligencia y el mando militar de los Estados Unidos
. A mediados de
febrero, Robert Salter presentó el informe P-6092, titulado, “Sistema de metro
Transplanetario” : Una Creciente Capacidad”. Este informe actualiza los mapas
de ruta y aplica un criterio a la económia y a las técnicas en la planificación
del sistema.

pesar de lo que vemos en el National Geographic y en las historia de ciencia
ficción que nos muestran en programas o documentales de ciudades subterráneas y
de antiguas civilizaciones (y almacenamiento de empresas), sólo nuestra
imaginación puede proporcionar una amplia visión de cómo una red de túneles de
seguridad nacional podría ser el caso de Las Operaciones Negras Mundiales, que
se les dio luz verde para iniciar la construcción.

el uso convencional de la Tuneladora en la ‘perforación de la roca’, se
tardarían décadas en completarse. Considerando que el uso de la más
avanzada Tuneladora, desarrollada por el laboratorio de Los Alamos, los costes
de construcción se han reducido drásticamente y el tiempo necesario para la
construcción de túneles ha disminuido, y los peligros relativos de las rocas en
la excavación del túnel podrían evitarse

– ¿ Ha sido construido el Sistema de Tránsporte de
Alta Velocidad? (STAV)?

numerosos testigos presenciales y ex empleados del gobierno, el sistema ya
existe y está siendo utilizado por el gobierno invisible, las Fuerzas Negras de
Operación, más a favor de las entidades empresariales.

– ¿Por qué estamos tratando de generar interés en esos

muchos motivos, incluyendo: Si la humanidad encontrara una amenaza seria
extraterrestre, sería mejor haber trasladado sistemas de transporte subterráneo
para mantener operaciones y la continuidad del gobierno; la amenaza de ataques
terroristas sobre la infraestructura de transporte nacional sería reducida al
mínimo; y reducirían enormemente las emisiones de CO2 a la superficie.

en estas tres referencias que os dejo: The Very High Speed Transit
System By: Robert M. Salter

subway systems: a burgeoning capability By: Robert M. Salter

Space and
Surface Power for the Space Exploration Initiative Results from Project
Outreach By: Calvin Shipbaugh, Kenneth A. Solomon, Daniel Gonzales, M. L.
Juncosa, Theodore W. Bauer, Robert M. Salte

Everything You Always Wanted To Know About The Middle East Conflict But Were Never Told (Intro)

In Organizaciones on 2 settembre 2007 at 02:57

Dear Friends and Brethren,


Written by an Israeli, this is the greatest analysis of the Middle East conflict that I have ever read.  Added to the fact that the Black Pope controls the US via the Council on Foreign Relations, and controls Britain via the Royal Institute of International Affairs, we now know the source and purpose for the continuing conflict.  The leaders of both sides, presently Ariel Sharon  and Yassir Arafat, are minions of the Jesuit General.  (Arafat has had EIGHT MEETINGS with Pope John Paul II since the Oslo Accord.)  Those who do not “play ball” – like Anwar Sadat of Egypt, King Fiesal of Iraq and Yitzak Rabin of Israel are eliminated through the Black Pope’s unified International Intelligence Community.  That Community is directly controlled, organized and overseen by the Pope’s Crusaders, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.


Notice that the mentor and immediate master of Ariel Sharon is none other than CFR Henry Kissinger.  Masonic Kissinger, the intimate associate of Knight of Malta Alexander Haig, Jr., is without question a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor, as the Order began to admit the Pope’s "Court Jews" to the Company in 1946 – about the time of the stoking of the Middle East conflict.


Further, it has been learned that the former head of NATO and key figure in the governing of the Pope’s Zionist government of Israel is a Franciscan priest – Javier Solana – the intimate friend of the “King of Jerusalem,” King Juan Carlos of Spain, whose immediate master is the Grandmaster of the SMOM, Fra Andrew Bertie.


Further, the reason why the Order has used the Federal Reserve Bank’s American Military Industrial Complex to arm every Arab nation in the Middle East is not to destroy the Pope’s Zionist-controlled Israel, remembering that sixty percent of all the land in Jerusalem is owned by the Vatican – including the Temple Mount.  The purpose is to be able to use these arms against the present American/British-led Papal Crusade having been planned over thirty years ago, prior to the deliberately faulty construction of the WTC (the "X" bracing being only bolted and not welded to the buildings) back in the 1980s.  It was Cardinal Cooke’s Knight of Malta and director of the CIA’s counterintelligence branch manning both “the Israeli desk” and “the Vatican desk” within the Agency, James “Jesus” Angleton, who advocated a “Crusade” against the Moslem peoples way back in the mid 1970s. 



“Now you know the rest of the story!”


Sincerely in Faith,


Brother Eric


Everything You Always Wanted To Know About The Middle East Conflict But Were Never Told



This collection of observations was compiled to help Jews and Arabs understand why the Middle East conflict continues to fester. The intention is to promote the realization that these two peoples are not each other’s worst enemy; a third player, the Foreign Elite  (FE), is why the Middle East remains unstable.


A truly objective analysis of this subject, without the baggage Jews and Arabs have been fed via their national leaderships, reveals that the Middle East conflict would have ended decades ago had foreigners not kept it alive. The continuation of the conflict serves their interests- i.e.,  oil supplies, recycling petrodollars, or multi-billion dollar weapons sales. The Palestinian-Israeli “situation” is thus merely a fig leaf for the FE, allowing their other agendas can be pursued undetected.


We need to devise a solution based on the actual cause for the continuation of the conflict, and not accept solutions presented via the mainstream media.


The hatred between the two peoples doesn’t come from the hearts of Middle Eastern Arabs and Jews; it is created and stoked from abroad. Arabs and Jews must see through the propaganda and understand that this conflict is being created for them. Every time it looks like it is coming to an end, foreigners breathe new life into it by insisting that they have a “new peace initiative” which they claim will bring peace. It never does.


The FE’s intervention in the affairs of the Middle East has been a tragedy for the Arab peoples – socially, economically, and politically.  Arabs and Jews of the Middle East need to admit that they are both victims of the foreigners. By working together, they can remove the cancer of foreign intervention that keeps the conflict alive.




  Chapter One



The core and essence of the Middle East conflict  


For more than 75 years, western diplomats have been coming up with “peace initiatives” to solve the Arab – Israeli conflict. Yet they always fail.


Why? What keeps the Middle East conflict going?


If we are going to devise a solution, we must first understand why the conflict continues to exist. To do this, we have to view the situation from the top down, rather than from the bottom up.


Granted, this is completely opposite to the way most Jews and Arabs have been conditioned to look at “the situation.”  Jews focus on the damage Arab/Palestinians cause, and believe that damage to be the cause of the conflict, when it is really only a result of it. They view the conflict and its origins from the bottom up. Arabs/Palestinians concentrate on the damage Israel causes and believe this to be the cause of the conflict, when it is really only a result of it. They too relate to the situation from the bottom up.


To understand what really causes the Middle East conflict to continue, one must look at the issue from the top down.


To get a more accurate picture of what lies behind the continued existence of the conflict, let’s acknowledge these five factors which serve to perpetuate – rather than solve – the problem:


1)      The vested interests of the Foreign Elite (FE): There is a “third entity” in the conflict in addition to the Israelis and the Arabs: the foreigners (in order of importance, the US, Britain, China, France, Germany). Without them, there would be no Middle East conflict because it is the foreign influence that keeps the “situation” from being resolved. Unfortunately, both Palestinian Arabs and Israeli Jews believe they are each other’s worst enemy – without considering the third element – the foreigners – that is the enemy of both. The thing that Arabs and Jews have most in common is this common enemy, yet the leaders on both sides (not being legitimate or independent) tell their people that the other side is their number one enemy. Hence the conflict continues.


2)      Control of Middle East oil: The foreigners interfere in the Arab-Israeli conflict in order to exploit and control the vast petroleum resources in the region. If there were no oil, there would be no petrodollars to recycle; the foreigners would have no reason to dominate the region.


3)      Weapons sales: If there was a worldwide ban on arms sales to the Middle East, there would be no more “radical Arab dictators” with modern arms. If the foreigners stopped selling advanced weaponry to nations of the Middle East, the conflict would end.


4)      The mainstream media: If the mainstream media in the West stopped reporting on the “search for peace in the Middle East,” peace would soon be found. By keeping the region’s  “unstable” image alive, the media, as the sole source of information by which people can formulate their perceptions, provide an excuse for the foreigners to interfere, and at the same time serve to convince everyone that these western nations want peace, despite the fact that they have been “seeking” it for over 50 years, in vain. The media never question the intentions or agendas of the FE. The media thus provide the glue which keeps the conflict going. Without the mainstream media constantly reporting on the conflict, there would be peace, as everyone would forget that the Middle East is “unstable” and thus in need of “stabilizing” via new “peace initiatives.”  


5)      Corrupt national leadership of both sides:  It isn’t peace between Arabs and Jews that interests the FE, but rather the continuation of the conflict. The way they do that is by corrupting/controlling the national leaders of both sides. The reason why legitimate, popular leaders are not at the helms of countries in the Middle East is because the FE will topple any leader who doesn’t cater to their desires before the needs of their own people. If Middle East leaders are selected and deemed popular by their own people, the FE will demonize them as “radicals/extremists,” “terrorist leaders” or “enemies of peace,” and thus de-legitimize them in the world arena. How can genuine co-existence take hold if the leaders of both sides are more interested in pleasing their foreign masters than their own peoples?


Unless these five basic factors are understood, the true causes that extend the conflict will never be understood. Instead, each side will go on blaming the other – seeking to take the high moral ground and convince their own people and those from abroad that they are right, and the other side is wrong.  This will lead only to more death and destruction.


The technique is called “divide and rule,” and it has been a favorite of the FE for decades.


Everything You Always Wanted To Know About The Middle East Conflict But Were Never Told (II)

In Organizaciones on 2 settembre 2007 at 02:55

Oslo and beyond


One of the enigmas about the Oslo Accords is why the Israeli government agreed to allow the Palestinian Authority to maintain armed security forces, and why Israel even armed those security personnel with Israeli weapons? We were told that the Palestinian Authority needed those weapons to keep radical Palestinian groups in check. Yet from the very beginning, when Hamas began its suicide bombing in l994, the Palestinian Authority never cracked down on the organization. While the Israelis complained to all who would listen that this was happening, no foreign entity ever criticized Arafat for not stopping the rise of Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza.


Israel’s leaders at the time knew full well that the result was going to be a terrorist state, yet they agreed to this because that is what the foreigners wanted from Oslo – to strengthen the Palestinian side and weaken the Israeli side so the conflict could continue. The goal of Oslo’s planners was never peace and stability; it was further bloodshed. That is why Oslo and Hamas came on the scene at the same time.


As for the reasons why the second intifada broke out, the mainstream press told us Arafat “was pissed because at Camp David in August 2000 Barak and Clinton didn’t give him enough honor and respect” and thus Arafat was “posturing.” The mainstream media also gave us another version – that because Sharon dared walk around on the Temple Mount, this “enflamed” the Palestinians. 

That it could have been arranged (and thus didn’t have to happen) never enters into the debate. Nobody asks whether Arafat thought he could really win a war against Israel. No western leader criticized Arafat for reneging on an international agreement which he signed with Israel never to return to war. Instead, the Middle East conflict was once again ignited, serving the foreigners while causing more death and destruction for the people who live in the region.


Sharon plays his part by remarking after every Hamas suicide bombing attack that Arafat is to blame, even though we are told the PA can’t control Hamas. Then Bush throws the “moral card” out there and accuses Arafat of not doing enough to stop terrorism, so we are led to believe that Arafat is being morally irresponsible by initiating terrorism against Israel.


Presto. The Middle East conflict has been recharged. Israel’s high moral ground is that “Arafat is behind the terrorism” and the Arabs’ “high moral ground” is that Israel is “oppressing the Palestinians.” Both claims are true, yet neither is the reason why the conflict continues. Such a scenario – whether by design or not – keeps the “you’re wrong. No, you’re wrong” structure of the conflict in place.


Like most things that happen between Israelis and Arabs, anything the Israelis do will be held up by the Arab side as proof that “Israel isn’t serious about peace” (i.e. they are morally flawed), and by the same token, anything the Palestinians/Arabs do is held up by Israel as proof that “you see, the Arabs are not serious about peace” (i.e. they are morally deficient). This is the basic configuration of the conflict. Each side blames the other while the real culprits remain in the shadows.  


Back in the early 1990s the only way to keep the Palestinian-Israeli conflict alive was to re-energize Arafat – arm his henchmen, and provide the PLO with a base of operations close to Israel. So if the Palestinian Authority supports terrorism it is with the complete knowledge and consent of Israel’s leaders. Blaming Arafat merely serves the goal of the foreigners, which is to keep the conflict from dying out and to give the Israeli public an enemy to blame.


Therefore it really makes no sense for Israelis to continue to blame the Palestinians for the conflict not being solved, as neither Arafat nor anyone else in the Palestinian Authority has any real political or economic power. They aren’t pulling any of the world’s strings, so why concentrate on whether Arafat does or does not really want to put an end to terrorism? Whatever Arafat or any other Palestinian leader does or doesn’t do will not have any impact on whether the conflict remains alive. The Palestinians/Arabs don’t have the power required to keep the Middle East conflict alive. Only foreign elements do.


The continued attempt to brainwash the Israeli public into thinking that the Arabs are a threat to Israel’s security and survival is one reason why the conflict continues. If you want to have a conflict, you have to convince both sides that the other is to blame, always and forever. This is the way the Arabs and Jews have been pitted against each other.


Instead of rational explanations for why Middle East leaders do what they do, we are handed “morally-inspired” rationale. For instance, President Bush declared that Arafat had to be made “irrelevant” because, according to the US leader, he “disappointed him by not doing enough to stop terrorism.” Having taken the high moral ground, Bush then began yet another Middle East peace initiative with the Roadmap. Once again, the mainstream media failed to present the picture as anything other than a moral crusade of the President to put his weight behind the peace process.


The public was told that the American plan envisioned a Palestinian state being created by 2005 (18 months from then) without any media source presenting the alternative view that such a plan was unreasonable and unlikely to take place. Instead of presenting the public with quality information and analyses, the media served the foreign interests and the Middle East conflict kept right on rolling.



The need to corrupt Israel’s leaders


Israelis don’t hate Arabs/Palestinians any more than Arab peoples hate Israelis. It is the national leaders of both sides who tell their people to hate their neighbors. If tomorrow both peoples woke up and found their national leaders had all suffered heart attacks and died, peaceful relations would prevail.


In exchange for doing their part in keeping the Israeli public focused on not trusting the Arabs, Israeli national leaders like Sharon and Peres are kept in power, given enormous clout and reverence abroad and, if need be, plenty of money to get re-elected (after every Israeli election the winning candidate always faces a financial scandal, yet the investigations are always dropped by the Attorney General for “lack of evidence”). The two aging leaders, Sharon and Peres, keep Israeli society fixated on the Left versus Right argument as to how Israel should negotiate with the Palestinians. Peres is presented as a liberal, seeking to compromise with the Arabs, while Sharon is supposedly a staunch right-wing nationalist whose only concern is Israel’s security. The fact that both have been corrupted by foreign elements never makes it onto the pages of  Haaretz, Maariv or Yediot.


If you are a leftist in Israel, you are scolded by the Right for “worrying too much what the goyim think” and being naïve about Arab intentions.  If you are on the Right, you are told by the Left that “Israel must compromise for peace.” Hence the structure of the Middle East conflict allows for discussion only within these two borders. Both sides believe the Americans are the key, and the Left urges the US president to pressure Israel, while the Right is only interested in having the president “better understand Israel’s position.”  Both Left and Right use the same words to describe the other’s view: “shortsighted,” “naïve” or “afraid to admit they are wrong.” Meanwhile, despite the fact that Sharon and Peres are at opposite sides of the ideological spectrum, they have no problem sitting in the same government as partners and smile every Sunday at the weekly cabinet meeting.


This exercise in creating erroneous public perceptions allows the Israeli public to focus on two simple ideologies. What this does is keep them ignorant of all other facets of the Arab-Israeli conflict including how the foreigners interfere and corrupt both sides’ leaders.


The reason why the Israeli public has such a low opinion of Israel’s political system is because they can see that their leaders are not going to bat for the Israeli citizenry, but serving foreign interests.  Like most Arab leaders, Israeli leaders are not legitimate, as they are not popular with their own people. That is why Shimon Peres is hated in his own country, yet abroad is regarded as a great elderly statesman, and why Sharon must rely on his past glory as an Israeli military hero in order to establish his credentials with the Israeli public and Jews in the Diaspora.  


If you are a foreigner you don’t use money to corrupt Israeli leaders; you merely promise them that you will help them stay in power. Thus corrupt Israeli leaders such as Sharon and Peres who would be shamed into resigning from public life if they were politicians in most other western countries continue to control the destiny of the Jewish state. While Israelis may believe Israel to be democratic, with its leaders carrying out the will of its people, that is nothing more than a perception planted and nurtured by the Israeli media. The fact is that Israeli figures such as Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon, Yitzhak Rabin, Ehud Barak, Bibi Netanyahu, Yossi Beilin, Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir, etc. are much bigger heroes outside Israel than inside.


Israeli statesmen may present an image to their own people and their own party of always being concerned about Israel’s national interests, but in the end, they always wind up pushing the plan the foreigners come up with. That is why Sharon, supposedly a right-wing nationalist, went against the wishes of his entire Likud party in 2002 and went on record as supporting the establishment of a Palestinian state.


Israeli national leaders like Sharon and Peres stick around for 40 years because they are supported by powerful elements outside the region (which is also Arafat’s secret for longevity). If left on their own, disgraced Israeli leaders like Sharon and Peres would have retired decades ago. Foreigners keep them in power, in return for them doing the foreigners’ dirty work by keeping the Israeli public focused on “confronting the Arabs.”


In short, they are useful puppets and help keep the Middle East conflict alive. Peace will never come to the region as long as legitimate and popular leaders from both the Arab and Israeli populations are kept from leading their own people.


Chapter Three



Looking at the Middle East conflict through Arab eyes


It is ironic that in the entire history of the Middle East conflict, it has always been the claim of the pro-Israel camp that  “the Arabs view their history as one long conspiracy against them,” when in fact such a view is completely accurate.


Unlike Israelis, Arab intellectuals aren’t swayed by the propaganda of their own leaders. They know their leaders serve foreign interests.


So if Arab intellectuals complain of exploitation and colonialism at the hands of the foreigners, this isn’t because of some “wild conspiracy theory that all Arabs have about foreigners” but because it is the truth.  Israelis would do themselves a favor if they stopped thinking their governmental system is so much more advanced than the “primitive” Arab culture, and realized that their perception of the history of the conflict is not accurate.


So if one is to dive into the history of the Arab world leaving the Arab-Israeli conflict aside for the moment it would be helpful to understand the Arab perception of reality. That reality is based on one simple principle: legitimate Arabs leaders are never allowed to develop or surface because unless an Arab leader does what the foreigners want them to do, they will find themselves the victim of a coup concocted by foreign elements. Or the Arab leader will be branded a “radical Arab dictator” and thus a “threat to regional security.” 


For instance, Gamal Abdel Nasser was loved by his own people and the entire Arab world for standing up to the foreigners. While not democratically elected, he was not considered at all “radical” or a “threat to regional stability” as the western nations made him out to be.


Israel’s purpose in the conflict is to play the role of the “hated enemy” that Arab national leaders can point their finger at and say to their masses: “see, that is your real enemy.” While Israeli propaganda claims these leaders do that in order to keep their people from realizing how bad their socio-economic condition is, the actual reason is that this is what the foreigners demand so that nobody will be looking at what the foreigners are doing dominating the oil reserves and proposing multi-billion dollar arms sales. Thus the poor quality of Arab national leadership is the result of the foreigners’ need to have Arab leaders who will do what is expected of them in order to keep the conflict with Israel alive. 


How do the foreigners corrupt Arab national leaders?


There have been about 35 coups and coup attempts in the Middle East in the past 50 years. Only one of them came about without Western involvement.


Any independent review of modern Middle East history reveals that except for Egypt, the boundaries of every state which emerged after the First World War were drawn by European powers. Indeed, every Arab state of the time was run by what Desmond Stewart (The Temple of Janus, p. 166) calls a “client dynasty.”


Says Middle East scholar, Dr. Mohammed Daud Mirak : “Most of the time, the elite controlling the governments of Muslim states view their survival as being parallel to the interests of the elite in the United States and her allies, and view the continuation of their hold on power in their submission to the will of the United States.” (Essay  January 28, 2003)


In Richard Becker’s October 2002 article:  “The Battle For Iraqi Oil: US Corporate Skullduggery Since WW1,” we learn about the real history of the foreigners’ involvement in the Arab Middle East:


“In February 1919, Sir Arthur Hirtzel, a top British colonial official, warned his associates: ‘It should be borne in mind that the Standard Oil Company is very anxious to take over Iraq.’ (Quoted in Peter Sluglett, Britain in Iraq, 1914-32, London, 1974)


Becker continues:  “In 1927, major oil exploration got underway. Huge deposits were discovered in Iraq, and the Iraqi Petroleum Company was created by Anglo-Iranian (today British Petroleum), Shell and Mobil, and Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon) was set up. Within a few years it had totally monopolized Iraqi oil production.”


Baker explains that during the same period the al-Saud family, with Washington’s backing, conquered much of the neighboring Arabian Peninsula. Saudi Arabia came into being in the 1930s as a colony of the United States. The US embassy in Riyadh was located in the Armco (Arab American Oil Company) building. But the US oil companies and their government in Washington weren’t satisfied. They wanted complete control of the oil, just as they had a near monopoly on the Western hemisphere’s petroleum reserves. This meant displacing the British, who were still top dog in the region.


Says researcher Dr. John Coleman: “The mission of the great names of British Middle East intelligence, T.E.Lawrence, E.G. Browne, Arnold Toynbee, St. John Philby and Bertram Russell was to keep the Middle East backward so that its natural resources, oil, could continue to be looted.”  


Rami Khouri, a syndicated columnist for The Daily Star in Beirut, offers this view of the Arab elite’s ties to foreign elements:


“We Middle Easterners (Arabs, Iranians, Turks, Israelis, Kurds, and others) have a long track record of both arranging others’ national configurations and having our own rearranged by others. The modern Middle East was largely configured by the British and French, who sought to ensure their own colonial interests; they created new countries whose fundamental assets and attributes often made little logical sense. One of the problems we suffered after our last reconfiguration by the British and the French around 1920 was that most of the Arab countries had closer relations with London and Paris than they did with each other. The scheduled flights of our national airlines went to Paris and London more frequently than they went to other Arab capitals. This indicated that political and economic ties with the former colonial powers were more important for the nascent Arab ruling political powers than relations with other Arabs.”


Khouri contends there is nothing inherently wrong with being rearranged; peoples, societies and states do it all the time, to themselves and to others.


“However, our experience in the Arab world indicates that if the people being reconfigured have a say in the process, and their new national map corresponds to their identities and aspirations, the resulting reconfigured region may prove satisfying to both its citizens and state within the global context. The British and the French did not do this around 1920, and left behind a mess of fragile, often violent, states. That episode resulted in unsatisfactory, intemperate Arab statehood in many cases a terrible modern legacy of security states and tensions that finally exploded into political terror in the 1990s and beyond.” (Essay, February 13, 2003)



Why the foreign elite corrupts Arab leaders


If one really wants to understand how the Arabs view the west, they should read A Brutal Friendship; The West and the Arab Elite (St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1997) by the well-known Arab journalist, Said Aburish.


Aburish claims there are no legitimate regimes in the Arab Middle East. The House of Saud, King Hussein of Jordan, Presidents Hosni Mubarak, Saddam Hussein, Hafez al-Assad, Yasser Arafat and the remaining minor Arab heads of state run various types of dictatorships. He claims they depend on phony claims of legitimacy while representing small special interest groups minorities whose members owe their allegiance to them rather than to the state….


“The result is religious, tribal, army-based or hybrid ruling cliques and leaders who have one thing in common: they are opposed to the desire of the majority of the Arab people to develop legitimate governments. By affording dictatorships unqualified recognition, the foreign powers support the individual leaders, army groups, sects, clans and families who run the Middle East and determine its shape and direction. Perpetuating Western political hegemony and protecting economic interests from real or imagined threats takes precedence over considerations of legitimacy.”


Aburish believes that it isn’t Islam the West is battling, but the notion of popular political movements that represent a threat to the West’s interests. The bad image the West creates for them isn’t meant to explain them; it is meant to justify declaring war on them.


He explains: “The ruling groups in the Middle East use income from oil, and their armed forces (including the security forces), to stay in power. Because the West controls or influences the acquisition of arms… and because it manipulates the oil market through oil companies which decide where to buy, refine, distribute and use the income generated from oil, it relies on both tools to determine the policies of these countries. This is why the West, in cooperation with friendly regimes and against the wishes of the unfriendly ones, seeks to perpetuate its monopoly of both businesses. The rich Arab states were discouraged from developing their petrochemical industries, moving into refining and distribution, investing in the industries of the West or making any move toward a more equitable distribution of wealth.”


On the subject of what the oil states did with their newfound wealth, Aburish explains: “The surplus from oil was linked to the world capital market controlled by US, British and French banks. Placing the surpluses in Western banks ensured the continued use of money to fuel Western economies. There was no attempt to use the surpluses to develop the Middle East.”


Regardless of how the mainstream media ignore the role oil plays in the conflict, the fact is if the Middle East had no oil reserves, there probably never would have been a Middle East conflict for the past 75 years.


As to where this policy of the British (and later the Americans) originated, we needn’t look further than a series of meetings held in Britain starting in 1905 headed by Prime Minister Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. From these meetings, a High Committee was formed. It specialized in matters of colonialism, and consisted of members from the participating states, leading historians, social, economic and agricultural analysts, scholars, geologists and experts in oil and gas. The members met in London in 1907. The final decisions made were threefold:


1)  Separating the Muslim lands in the East from those in the West, thus making their unification more difficult.


2)  Planting a new enemy for the Muslims on their lands. This would focus their attention on the new enemy, and in turn weaken their ability to resist Western aggression.


3) Establishing an advanced base for the colonialists at the head of them Britain to protect their interests, implement their plans and ensure the outflow of natural resources from the region, as well as the import of their goods and products into the markets of the region.


The goal of the colonialist powers then and now is to keep the Arab peoples backwards by not enabling them to elect popular leaders, and to control the vast mineral wealth that the Arabs were fortune enough to possess.


While the control of oil may be the ultimate goal of the foreigners, the way to maintain their control is to inflame the Middle East and then have everyone think this strife is a result of “hatred between Arabs and Jews.” Meanwhile, the foreigners continue to dominate the region, without the Arab and Israeli publics being any the wiser.




How Britain kept Jews and Arabs from living in peace



Alternative views of the Arab-Israeli conflict are rare. We are taught to believe that Jews and Arabs hate each other, and no other view of the conflict is given. Blame for the conflict is usually fixed on one side or the other based on a “moral claim” that one side is not acting nicely toward the other.


It is in this context that a book first published in 1938 is critical to our understanding of why the Middle East conflict was created, and to dispute the notion that Jews and Arabs in the Middle East have always hated each other. 


Although little is known about the author, William Ziff’s book, The Rape of Palestine, (Argus Books, US) is the first attempt to offer an alternative view of the origins of the conflict. The book documents the difference between the overall pro-Jewish sentiments of the British political elite, who saw a strong Jewish presence in Palestine as being good for the empire, and the group of high level anti-Jewish British officials who believed that the Jews would become so powerful (if Britain let them) that they would no longer have to accede to British demands.


The latter group was entirely right. A strong Jewish presence in Palestine meant Jewish national independence, which wouldn’t serve the British masters the way the Arab puppets did. Arab tribal leaders were corruptible, and this was how those running Britain’s colonial policies could control them. They realized that controlling the Jews was not going to be so easy.


Ziff’s book documents how the British created the opposition to Zionism, and proves that until these so-called “radical Arab leaders” came into the picture, most Arab residents of Palestine wanted nothing more than to live in peace and prosperity with the Jews.


“The Moslem religious leader, the Mufti, was openly friendly. Throughout Arabia, the chiefs were for the most part distinctly pro-Zionist: and in Palestine the peasantry was delighted at every prospect of Jewish settlement near their villages. Commercial intercourse between Arab and Jew was constant and steady.” pp.13


Everything You Always Wanted To Know About The Middle East Conflict But Were Never Told (III)

In Organizaciones on 2 settembre 2007 at 02:47

“The Arab National Movement was hated by the huge Levantine population, who continued to regard themselves simply as Ottoman subjects, and looked to the strong, influential Zionist Organization for sympathy and assistance.”


“Hussein of the Hejaz looked to the Zionists for the financial and scientific experience which the projected Arab state would badly need. In May 1918, Dr. Chaim Weizmann and Hussein of the Hejaz met in Cairo, where the latter spoke of mutual cooperation between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. In early 19l9 a Treaty of Friendship was signed to provide for “the closest possible collaboration in the development of the Arab state and the coming Jewish Commonwealth of Palestine.” On March 3, 19l9, another Arab leader, Feisal, son of Sherif, wrote: “We wish the Jews a most hearty welcome home.”


Ziff writes:


“With conscious design, the Administration fostered hostility between Arabs and Jews. It directly advised the amazed Arabs of Palestine and Egypt to abstain from any concessions to the Jews. It formed the Moslem-Christian Association, and used it as a weapon against the Zionists. It instructed astonished Arab young-bloods in the technique and tenets of modern nationalism, in order to resist Jewish ‘pretenses.’ And in London it contacted reliable anti-Jewish elements to form a liaison that has endured to this day. The Arabs were not only instigated and advised, but supplied with funds and their arguments ghost-written by Englishmen in high places.”


“Matters came to a head in 1920, when Feisal staged a revolt against the French in Damascus, using money and ammunition supplied by the British General Headquarters. He had been proclaimed King by a ‘Syrian Congress’ which included Palestinians, and which asserted the principle that Palestine was a part of Syria and couldn’t be cut off from it. Almost simultaneously, in order to show how impossible it was to implement the Balfour Declaration in the face of native hostility, the generals arranged a pogrom in Jerusalem.”


Ziff believed that the stage was set, charging that “the riots of April 1920 were perfectly timed.” He reveals how Arab agitators ran through the Moslem crowds gathered for the Nebi Moussa festival in Jerusalem, urging ‘death to the Jews’ and shouting that ‘the government is with us.’ Ziff discovered that all Jewish policemen had been relieved from duty in the Old City.


He says that such planned riots occurred again in April 1921 in Jerusalem. Ziff charges that the British Commandant of Police was “conveniently out of the country. The few Jews on the police force had been mysteriously taken off duty for the day. The Arab mob shouted: ‘Bolshevik! Bolshevik! The Zionists are flooding the country with Bolsheviks!’” pp. 20


The point isn’t that the British government was pro-Arab, or anti-Jewish. The point is that much of the violence and strife was contrived and didn’t occur as a natural result of Jews and Arabs hating each other, as the mainstream media have told us for decades.


While many students of the Arab-Israeli conflict have heard of the Mufti of Jerusalem, most don’t know how the Mufti became the Mufti. Ziff writes:


“Implicated in the disturbances was a political adventurer named Haj Amin al Husseini. Haj Amin was sentenced by a British court to 15 years hard labor. Conveniently allowed to escape by the police, he was a fugitive in Syria. Shortly after, the British allowed him to return to Palestine where, despite the opposition of the Moslem High Council who regarded him as a hoodlum, Haj Amin was appointed by the British High Commissioner as Grand Mufi of Jerusalem for life.” pp. 22


Regarding the Arab pogroms of 1929, Alif Beh, an Arab newspaper in Damascus, wrote: “the uprising was the result of British intrigue… the English were looking for an excuse to reject the demands of the Jewish Agency to participate in the administration of the country, and encouraged the Arabs to teach the Jews a lesson.”


Regarding Arab views toward Jewish immigration, Ziff quotes Count Carlos Sforza in his book, Europe and Europeans: “Syrians of all classes, who had been watching Palestine’s development with envious yes, were anxious to have something of the same phenomena duplicated in their country.”


This desire is written in the clamorous petition sent to the French in 1935 by the inhabitants of Lebanon, begging them to encourage Jewish immigration, as that would bring prosperity. Said the Damascus newspaper, Iissan Alkhar : “We ought to demand Jewish immigration, for through it our situation will be saved.”


Sensing that some crude agenda was toying with their collective destiny, in May 1930 the Jerusalem-based Arab newspaper Al Iqdam wrote: “We are led by a group of men who bargain us away, buying and selling us like cattle. The Arab people have not yet said their last word on the Arab-Jewish question. When this word has been said, it will not be one of hatred, but one of peace and brotherhood, as is suitable for two people who live in one country.”


During a seminar of leading Moslems and Christians of Nazareth in March 1934, a statement given to the press read: “On behalf of the majority of the property owners and consumers, we declare that we would welcome Jewish immigration, and trust the enlightened Jews with their financial commercial associations.”


Ziff is suggesting that the opposition to Jewish immigration to Palestine was not nearly as widespread as conventional wisdom and standard history books have led us to believe. By the time the Peel Commission was in full swing in 1937, Arab desires for rapprochement began appearing. From The New York Times of August 5, 1937, we read: “For the first time in the 20 years since the Balfour Declaration, the Arabs openly censured the Palestine government for never having attempted to bring the two peoples together.”


The Arab newspaper Falastin claimed in an editorial that, “despite British allegations of an unreachable enmity between Jews and Arabs, we cannot recall a single instance since the British occupation here when they made the slightest effort to bring the Arabs and Jews together. Pre-war Jewish residents lived here peacefully with Arabs for hundreds of years. To this day these Jews, in addition to the Arabs, maintain that if it were not for the British policy of divide and rule, the Arabs and Jews would again live in Palestine in peace and harmony.”


On November 15, 1937 the Arab daily Ad-Difaa asserted that the British government had categorically rejected all proposals for a round-table discussion between Jews, Arabs and British, though the Jews and Arabs were anxious for such a meeting. After talking to all sections of the Arab population, the Near East correspondent for the New York Times reported on November 21 that their unanimous cry was “we’ve suffered enough and we don’t wish to have any more trouble. May Allah curse and cut off the lives of these intruders from the outside who are disturbing our existence.”


Pamphlets were distributed in Arab villages throughout Palestine violently attacking Great Britain as “the cause of their ruin.” (pp.104)


Dr. Gustavo Gutierrez, former president of Cuba’s Chamber of Deputies, stated after his visit to the Holy Land in late 1936 that he saw “no evidence of friction or disagreement between the Arab and Jewish people in Palestine,” and that “if Arabs and Jews were left to their own councils they could settle the Palestine problem wisely and permanently.”


Contrary to what history books tell us, there was Arab opposition to British rule and a genuine desire to live in peace with the Jews even as late as 1937.


Describing the Arab predicament, which has not changed in the six decades since he wrote his book, Ziff states: “The Arabs are compelled to free themselves from the present despotic and feudal regimes under which all the Arab peoples suffer. In Arab countries, despite the paper constitutions which exist in several of them, there is little in the way of liberty. Poverty and ignorance are endemic.”


What is important about Ziff’s book is that it was written close to when the events were taking place. It is the first revisionist account of the role the British played in the Middle East in general and in the Arab-Israeli conflict in particular. Its main premise that the Arab-Israeli conflict was created and stoked by the British, and isn’t the result of ethnic hatred on the part of the participants is in a sense a revolutionary new perspective on Middle East history.


If nothing more, Ziff’s book should encourage the Israeli government to establish a body to rename all the streets in the country that are named after British Mandate personalities. The British government was the reason why it took Israel until 1948 to attain independence. Considering the state of Palestine’s economy in 1937, independence was already possible then. Had the British not ruled Palestine, by 1930 unrestricted Jewish immigration and the hard work and creativity of the new Jewish immigrants would have created an economy twice as large as it was in that year. The Arabs themselves acknowledge that they would have participated fully in this economic boom.


Instead, the British government created phony Arab “radicals” like Haj Amin to stoke the conflict. The British government was also to blame for corrupting Arab leaders and conspiring to keep all Arabs poor and their economies undeveloped.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.


Chapter Four


The function of the mainstream media in the Middle East conflict  




By design or not, the mainstream media are an organic part of the Middle East conflict. In fact, they are one of the main factors keeping the conflict alive. If there were no more media coverage of the conflict, it would eventually stop being a conflict in the consciousness of the world. Whatever people who don’t live in the Middle East know or think about the conflict comes directly from the perceptions created by the media.


The role of the media is to deceive the public into thinking the conflict continues because both sides hate each other. The media convey messages that the public can easily absorb, such as: “the Palestinians are stateless, and the lack of a Palestinian state is the reason why the Middle East is unstable.”


The official version is relayed via the media, and it goes something like this: “In addition to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict which if left unsolved causes regional instability Arab countries have a problem establishing democracies, and thus are plagued by dictators who cause the region’s instability.”


While some Arabs may believe the immense media coverage is good, as they believe Israel has wronged the Palestinians and the world should know about it, this isn’t the reason for the media obsession with the region. The Arabs and Palestinians may be flattered to believe that the world at large is concerned with Arab grievances, and with how badly the Palestinians have been treated, but this isn’t the reason the media constantly report on the conflict; it isn’t injustice that is behind the media’s interest. It is the foreign elites that exploit the media to keep the Middle East conflict alive. Seeking justice for the Palestinians is not part of their plan.   


Instead, the foreigners create a new “road map” and then talk for six months or a year about whether it is good or not. Both sides complain, and then before you know it, six months have gone by and there aren’t any more meetings or delegations, because the entire process is “stalled.” Fingers are then pointed at either Arab terrorism or Israeli intransigence, and the circle of blame goes around and around before it is time to initiate a “new round of Middle East peace talks” and “confidence-building measures.” Yet the end result is never lasting peace. 


The role of the media is merely to highlight the fact that every time the Middle East peace talks stall,  there may still be hope in this “new initiative,” which of course is introduced by the foreigners, never by the local participants.





This approach of talking about peace but never actually arriving at peace is the hallmark of those in charge of the new peace initiatives. They aren’t necessarily interested in peace, but in wasting time. The media play a key role in this deceit, as long as they fail to ask the tough questions and dig a little deeper.


Much of the control the foreigners have over the Jews and Arabs is exercised via manipulation of the public’s perceptions. Break that stranglehold and the true interests of the foreigners will be exposed. If we want to solve the problems in the region, we need to understand the harmful role of the international media. 


The media aren’t just standing on the sidelines observing events, as the experts like to tell us. Instead, the media are organically linked to the conflict and are directed by elements outside the region. The media present images and perceptions that reinforce the two sides’ negative view of each other.


Major international media outlets keep the Middle East conflict in the center of the public’s eye. Is this by design? Well, it certainly isn’t the result of consumer demand. Most people are sick and tired of hearing about the conflict. So why do the major media outlets cover the region day in, day out, year in, year-out, decade after decade? With most other subjects, the public tires of hearing about it and so the media move on to the next story. Not with the Middle East conflict. Why?


The mere presence of the media essentially creates the Middle East conflict, and keeps it alive by media manipulation that creates erroneous perceptions in the minds of the Israeli and Arab populations.


Whether all this is done by design or not, the end result is the same.


Strip the major western media outlets of their credibility by calling their objectivity and independence into question, and the power of the foreigners over the Middle East will crumble. The deception would be exposed.



Radical Middle East dictators are a creation of the mainstream media  


Ever wonder why, on a per-capita basis, there seem to be more radical dictators in the Middle East than in any other region? What is it about Arab politics that leads to the creation of so many “radical” leaders?


It is important to note that the source of public information about the Middle East is the same voice which promotes the idea that radical Arab leaders are regional threats, and western leaders, for reasons of morality and decency, have to contain these bad elements.


The way the mainstream media tell the story, these radical Arab leaders are “angry” at Israel and the US. Because of that “anger,” they seek to wreak havoc on the otherwise peaceful order of the Middle East.


And yet, while some Arab dictators are considered “evil” and “immoral” because they don’t allow democracy in their country, neither do the rulers of Saudi Arabia. But since Saudi Arabia’s leaders are supported by the West, the label of

“dictator” is never applied to them.


“The truth is, the more democratic the Saudis become, the less cooperative they will be with us. So why should we want that? Asks F. Gregory Gause, a specialist on Saudi Arabia at the University of Vermont  (“Time to Question The US Role in Saudi Arabia”, May 20, 2003, Foreign Policy in Focus)


Throughout the past 100 years in the Middle East, there have been various “radical Arab leaders” (i.e., bogeymen) touted by the world’s media as “strategic threats” to western powers. The first such radical leader was Nasser of Egypt, then came PLO leaders, then Assad of Syria, Qadaffi of Libya, the Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran, Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, and Saddam Hussein again.


If the mainstream media didn’t tell their readers and viewers that these Arab leaders were a threat, they wouldn’t be perceived as one. By the same token, if the media didn’t write stories highlighting the “instability” of the Middle East, most people wouldn’t see a problem. The media stamp certain concepts and issues “relevant,” and then focus on only these issues and concepts, to the exclusion of all others.


What the media fail to tell us is that these dictatorships rule over tiny economies with no industrial or technological know-how, and thus whatever weapons they have were procured from western countries – including their weapons of mass destruction. The way the media tell the story, the western leaders know full well that the dictators are “evil,” yet they approve the sales of conventional and non-conventional weapons. Later, when it comes out in the press that these deals took place, the western leaders say, “you evil dictator, you are not being morally upstanding and acting in a peaceful manner with your neighbors. I pledge to depose you.”


Thus a new war is conducted in order to disarm a regime that was supported and armed by the very countries that take part in the deposing exercise. All of this is, according to the media, because zealous western leaders took the high moral ground and proclaimed: “Enough is enough, we must have democracy and freedom in the Middle East.”


The mainstream media never question government officials when they claim they didn’t realize Saddam Hussein was such a bad guy. Or when the CIA says, “we supported Osama Bin Laden in the early 1980s to fight the Russians in Afghanistan, but then he became a loose cannon.”


 No mainstream media ever call high government officials liars when these weak excuses are offered. Never is the public presented with the fact that the arming of the dictator was the intended policy. Instead, we are told it was due to “human error.” 


So what can we learn from all this?


That only those Arab leaders who don’t play ball with the foreigners are branded as “radical” and “threats to regional security.” The leaders of all the oil-rich states are no more democratic than those in Libya or Iraq yet they are considered “moderate.”


Says Middle East expert, Professor Stephen Zunes: “Will Saudi Arabia be yet another case of where, like Manuel Noriega’s Panama and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, the United States supports a dictatorship for years, only to suddenly declare it such a threat that the country must be invaded and the regime overthrown?” (“Time to Question The US Role in Saudi Arabia,” May 20, 2003, Foreign Policy in Focus)


If we want to solve the Middle East conflict and not create more “radical Arab dictators” the western countries, led by the US and Western Europe, should stop selling military technology to all countries in the Middle East. Stop the arms sales and presto no more “dangerous radical Arab leaders.”


How do the foreigners get away with such deceit?


Because what is presented in the media about the Middle East conflict (regardless of whether it is in Israel, the Arab world, Europe or the US) is carefully fit into certain “acceptable” parameters. Those parameters include moralizing the conflict by enabling each side to point a figure at the other. The goals and objectives of the foreigners are never discussed. Instead, western leaders are always presumed to be interested only in “furthering peace efforts.”


Whether arms sales to the region further peace is never addressed. 



The soap opera the mainstream media presents every day as Middle East diplomacy



Ever notice how the mainstream media treat Middle East diplomacy and the region’s  national leaders? Their coverage always seem to be about what these people “like” and how they “feel” about other Middle East leaders, and they are always presented as having the highest standards of right and wrong. Nearly all downsides in the peace process are presented as the result of “mistakes” by Middle East leaders. Everything seems to fit into what researcher Paul David Collins calls “the accidental perspective of history,” whereby radical Arab dictators are the product of “circumstantial spontaneity” rather than having been supported and armed by a western country. Intifadas against Israel “break out” because the Palestinians are “frustrated.”


The mainstream media never question the objectivity and credibility of government spokespersons. Thus there is never any honest skepticism as to whether a statement is really true or merely prepared text.


The mainstream media also present the national leaders as basically patriotic, just trying to do a good job, trying to the right thing, trying to do what’s best for their own country. We are led to believe that in the end, all they are interested in is regional peace and stability, or in getting themselves enshrined in the history books.

EveryThing you always wanted to know about the middl est conflict but were never told (IV)

In Organizaciones on 2 settembre 2007 at 02:45


Their motivation is always simple, honest, noble and patriotic, and these regional leaders are always presented as independent agents. The media don’t reveal any other influence on their decision-making process.  When so-called analysts are interviewed, they all seem to know exactly why Middle East politicians do what they do and what motivates their actions, even though the only information the “experts” have is what is reported in the media or presented via the national spokespersons.


The media coverage and analyses of Middle East leaders is always about personal management style; it never has anything to do with what the foreign leaders tell them or expect them to do. Whatever Middle East politicians may do, it is always explained away as “posturing.”


For instance, we are told that because Ariel Sharon didn’t finish off Arafat in 1982 in Beirut, he is taking revenge on him now, and that is why he is keeping Arafat locked up in his compound in Ramallah. Supposedly, Sharon wanted to kill or exile Arafat, but Bush refused, even though Bush himself said Arafat is now irrelevant. Thus Arafat can’t leave his home/office, and Sharon is merely posturing by not taking action against the guy he says directs all the terrorism against Israel. Meanwhile, when Sharon has the chance to get rid of Arafat for good, he doesn’t, and instead orders the Israeli army to fire a missile at his headquarters that merely damages the building.


The mainstream media and their Middle East experts don’t point out the absurdity of such actions, and instead report only the most superficial aspects of the story.


Once elected, the media presents the story of the national leader as being only about “character” no matter how many flaws the guy may have. He is never thrown out of office because of these shortcomings, and is always given the benefit of the doubt in any scandal.


For instance, no matter how many scandals were exposed implicating the current Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, or the previous one, Ehud Barak, neither faced any serious attempt to force them to resign, and eventually the scandals died out. The media never probed further.


The mainstream media inform us that countries wage war because national leaders don’t like one another. For example, back in the first Gulf War, senior President Bush was mad at Saddam Hussein. The public is asked to believe that the whole story is that Bush was pissed off at him because Hussein didn’t do what Bush asked him to do, which was to get out of Kuwait.


In the second Gulf War, President Bush said to the American people, “this guy is a bully, a dictator, not a nice human being, and I am going to do the moral thing and depose him.” The media allowed this image to be presented unchallenged, and thus that is how history was recorded.


For the mainstream media, international diplomacy is run according to the principle of “positive chemistries” and “chance meetings.” War is the result of two leaders not getting along. Peace treaties aren’t signed because one side’s leader was “stubborn.”


If the mainstream media are responsible for transmitting these superficial analyses, then they are part of the effort by foreign interests to keep the Middle East conflict from being solved. Journalists who go on TV every day without pointing out these “packaged perceptions” are part and parcel of the problem.


Instead of highlighting the absurdities and contradictions in the national leaders’ policies and actions, the mainstream media say things like, “Even as President Bush invests his considerable personal prestige and the power of his office in Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking…” This presents the foreigners as always seeking peace, and never anything else.


In The New York Times in June 2003, our perception of reality is shaped for us when we read analyses such as this about the Aqaba summit: “Now he has three major projects on his plate: Rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan, and acting as midwife to the new state of Palestine he envisions in his road map to peace. Time and time again on this trip, Bush made clear his view that ridding the Middle East of ‘the dictator of Iraq’ opened the way for the rest of the agenda. Iraq, he said, would become a model of democracy in a Muslim state.”


Nowhere in that analyses is doubt expressed as to whether other considerations moved the president, or how exactly removing a regional dictator “opens doors to peace” or how exactly America will turn Iraq into a model democracy.  There is no discussion as to why the Oslo Accords failed, or why it will be any different this time.


The fact that the American president could be lying is never presented as an option.  Instead of an accurate portrayal of reality, the public is fed soap operas when it comes to why national leaders do what they do, and what really influences their decisions.



Israel’s mainstream press is no different


Here is an example of what Israeli citizens are fed in their mainstream media.


Long-time Haaretz op-ed writer Avi Shavit told the Israeli public on June 12th, 2003 that when foreigners like Henry Kissinger meet secretly with Israeli leaders- it is merely to instruct them on the inner workings of international diplomacy, things which Shavit calls, "a Kissinger perception of reality". Israel’s national leaders supposedly listen to very elderly statesmen who haven’t held public over in over thirty years and then decide to "do what they tell them", and that is the story about what is happening in the political arena.


Shavit writes: "However, Rabin was not Kissinger’s only pupil. He had another Israeli pupil, studious and energetic, who is now Israel’s prime minister. So, when trying to decipher Ariel Sharon’s policy, it must be understood that he is doing what he is doing out of a Kissinger perception of reality….Kissinger and Sharon keep their closeness under wraps – most of their meetings do not come to media attention. However, the connection between the Israeli-Jewish warrior and the American-Jewish statesman is very tight. Sharon has a profound respect for Kissinger, regarding him as someone who knows how to add historic and international dimensions to Sharon’s own understandings of the events on the ground."


Somehow Shavit thinks Kissinger’s ethnic roots play a role in his secret dealings with Israeli leaders like Rabin and Sharon. We are told that Sharon has a "profound respect" to someone like Kissinger yet Shavit never bothers to ask why Israeli national leaders like Sharon are having secret meetings with a non-elected government official.


Shavit continues: "That’s the reason why Sharon is now ready to stretch the internal Kissinger logic to its ultimate conclusion – he has decided to grant the Palestinians a state in the interim period and to evacuate 17 settlements even without a peace agreement. In these two respects, Sharon is more Rabin than Rabin. He has become the most outstanding proponent of the interim arrangement school and he is ready to go all the way with his pessimist-pragmatic approach."


According to senior political analyst and leading op-ed writer for Haaretz, what is really happening is that Sharon is getting educated in international diplomacy and as the aging chubby Israeli Premier gets older- he is finally starting to grasp what the 85 year old Kissinger has been telling him all along- that the best way to solve the Arab-Israeli conflict is to take the "pessimist-pragmatic" approach. Sharon isn’t doing what he is doing because he "hates Arabs" or because he is a "right wing hawk", which is what the rest of Shavit’s newspaper has been telling the Israeli public for the past 30 years- but because he is "taking lessons in international diplomacy from his mentor, Henry Kissinger".


Why Sharon is guiding Israel’s political destiny according to advice given to him  from Kissinger- who hasn’t held public office in a western democracy for more than thirty years- is never part of the discussion on the editorial pages of Israel’s leading periodical.


 It is for that reason that Israel’s mainstream media coverage of why the Middle East conflict exists is credible.



So why isn’t the press giving us the whole picture?



For more than 50 years the foreigners have been coming to this region to “work out a peace agreement,” but they always wind up failing. Yet when leaders from the Middle East go abroad, everyone thinks they lead the conversation and tell the foreigners, “This is the minimum I will accept.” The reality is the other way around; they are told what the foreign leaders expect them to do next.


. These bilateral talks never start out in secret. They always start out with photographs and everyone smiling and shaking hands. And then they shut the doors.  The Oslo Accords were negotiated in secret for eight months before they were revealed publicly. This enabled the true aims of the Accords to be hidden from the public.


Why do they do it this way?  Because they don’t want you to know.


Then they come to the regional parlays, smile some more, take a few more pictures, but they never tell you what they really said to each other. Instead, the spokespersons hand out written statements about “constructive engagements” and “confidence-building measures” or the need to “jumpstart the peace process,” and then the journalists write as if that is what was really said. Somehow nobody points out that we’ve seen all this “new peace initiative” before.


Either there is a massive conspiracy by the world’s media and the leaders of western countries to keep everyone from knowing the truth, or the journalists and reporters are very bad at what they do and aren’t interested in getting the whole story.


Either way, the mainstream media have failed in their role as “the fourth estate” and the final protector of a nation’s freedom. The only reason why the foreigners can continue their deceit is because the media pander to them rather than treating their actions and statements in a critical manner. The lack of aggressive reporting is one of the reasons why the Middle East conflict continues. 


And while the reporters are busy parroting what the spokespersons for the national politicians tell them, they are missing the real important stuff the arms deals, the pressure to keep oil prices low and oil priced in dollars, etc. No wonder few people are aware of these aspects of the Middle East conflict.


The control of the region’s oil supplies and the sale of weapons by western nations to Middle East dictators are not issues because the mainstream media do not report on these subjects.


As the famous Canadian media commentator Marshal McLuhan put it: “The message is the media.”


In the Middle East conflict, the message is whatever the mainstream media decide the public should be told. Clearly, public perceptions are being manipulated. The only reason why most people believe that the absence of a Palestinian state is the cause of instability in the region is because the media has instilled that perception in their minds. If there were no Palestinian state for another 50 years, the Middle East could still attain stability and prosperity. The conflict is more in our heads than on the ground.


If Jews and Arabs want to live in peace with each other, they must expunge the mainstream media from their regional conflict instead of trying to convince the press corps that “we’re right and they’re wrong.” 



 Chapter Five




The function of Oil, Weapons, and the US Dollar in the Middle East conflict 




There is a view in the mainstream media that assumes the only concern the western nations have in the Middle East is for Arabs and Jews to kiss and make up. Yet after all their years of being involved in peace making, how come there isn’t any peace?


Because peace is not good business for them. What is important is maintaining the supremacy of the US dollar in world markets, recycling petrodollars to earn profits from the oil industry, and the sale of military products to the oil-rich Arab regimes. The unwritten agreement that the US has with the ruler of the oil states is that the oil will be priced in US dollars, and in return the US will protect them.


While CNN never discusses this issue, it is imperative for the strength of the US dollar that oil is priced only in US currency. When oil is sold in US dollars, countries around the world need to maintain a certain level of US currency in the reserves of their central bank to finance their oil purchases. OPEC is a cartel created by the US specifically for this purpose.


At the end of 2000, the Bank for International Settlements estimates world dollar reserves of $1.45 trillion, or 76% of the total world reserves of $1.09 trillion. 

 If oil was priced in other currencies, most countries would have little need to stockpile dollars, and thus all the currency the US government has printed over the years would be of value only in the US. This would flood the country with dollars and cause huge inflation. In addition, current and future trade and current account deficits would no longer be financed by the foreigners who purchase American Treasury bills and other US-dominated debt instruments. In other words, the US would no longer be an economic superpower.


In a brilliant essay on this subject entitled A Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis of the Unspoken Truth, economist William Clark wrote in January 2003:

“The Federal Reserve’s greatest nightmare is that OPEC will switch from a dollar standard to a euro standard. Iraq actually made this switch. The real reason the Bush administration wants a puppet government in Iraq or more importantly, the reason why the corporate-military-industrial network wants a puppet government in Iraq is so that it will revert back to a dollar standard.”


Others have come to the same conclusion as this issue relates to other regions in the world. . On June 18th, 2003, the publisher of the Venezuelan economic on-line journal,, Roy Carson, wrote:


"A move by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias to replace the US$ with the €uro is seen as upsetting Washington more than when Iraq’s Saddam Hussein started using the €uro for oil transactions last November … precipitating the US-led action to invade Iraq. CIA and other intelligence organizations, including Britain’s MI5, now fear that the next step is that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is about to switch to €uros … the immediate effect would be a massive devaluation, perhaps sparking of domino-effect devaluations worldwide in US$-related foreign reserves and foreign debt calculations. With a massive budget deficit, the United States is running scared of latest intelligence that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is on the brink of converting to the €uros and the opinion held by many OPEC ministers is that the conversion is an inevitability … the only question left is WHEN? Arab sources claim that €uro conversion across the Middle and Far East is a rational step to counteract the United States’ capacity to "wage further illegal wars (a.k.a. State-sponsored terrorism)" around the world.  A significant step in this direction is that Iran is contemplating switching to the €uro and, as a result, is the latest object of United States undiplomatic interference … an intelligence sources says "they are stimulating opposition forces, making covert threats … the next step is destabilization and quasi-liberation warfare under the pretext of promoting US-style democracy but essentially aimed at maintaining the US dollar as a global transaction currency."



Says researcher/writer David Lindorff: “When it comes to oil, a dictator is ‘friendly’ to the US when he’s willing to do business, and he’s ‘a mortal enemy’ when he’s not. That has been the driving force behind national security policy, especially since the fall of the Soviet Union. Oil and national security policy were all submerged in the context of the Cold War. But once that Cold War collapsed, now it’s a no-holds-barred battle for oil globally.”


The goal of the foreigners is to keep the oil flowing to western economies at a relatively low price so as not to harm the profits the elite oil companies earn from refining and marketing petroleum products, and ensuring that this oil remains priced in US dollars. To do that, foreigners have to prop up undemocratic and corrupt regimes (i.e., Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Oman, UAE, Qatar and Bahrain) so they will continue to serve foreign interests.  In return, these countries keep the price of oil relatively low, keep the oil priced in US dollars, and never move upstream in the petroleum production process so as to compete with foreign oil companies. 


The other “unwritten law” is that a certain amount of the oil revenues earned by the oil-rich states must be spent on the purchase of weapons. In 2002, Arab governments in the Middle East spent $52 billion on their military forces, of which $18 billion was for purchases from foreign countries. Arab countries devote 8%-11% of their national incomes to defense (23% of all government expenditures). (Yahya Sadowski, Guns or Butter, p.3). In the past decade, Saudi Arabia alone has spent over $100 billion on weapons. According to the Federation of American Scientists, in the decade after the Gulf War (1991-2001) the US sold more than $43 billion worth of weapons, equipment and military construction projects to Saudi Arabia, and $16 billion more to Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia alone imports about $15 billion worth of weapons each year.


Instead of using this wealth for building an economic infrastructure throughout the region, it is wasted on arms. The rest of the oil revenues (after basic government expenditures are met) are deposited in western banks as the private property of the corrupted Arab leaders. This benefits both the leaders and the large western banking interests. This process is called “recycling petrodollars.” As much of that wealth winds up in banks controlled by the foreign elite, this is another way that foreigners profit from the continued tension in the Middle East. 


Another activity of the foreigners is to sell massive amounts of military hardware and technology to Arab dictators like Saddam Hussein and then, years later, when the dictator doesn’t do what the foreigners want, the dictator becomes “a threat to regional stability” and an expensive (to the public, not to the arms industry) military invasion is suddenly required to contain him. When the smoke clears, nobody points a finger at the foreigners, accusing them of arming the dictator in the first place.


As no Arab country has a military industry, all weapons in the region are imported. If the western nations were truly interested in bringing peace to the Middle East, they would have placed a moratorium on arms sales to the region decades ago. Instead, they sell tens of billions worth of military hardware every year to the unstable regimes of the region. So the entities that are sending “special envoys” to “help the two sides make peace” are at the same time the main providers of weapons to the region.


Somehow, this contradiction is never exposed.


This is where the Palestinian-Israeli conflict serves its purpose. Keeping the conflict alive means a never-ending “moral crusade” can be carried out by both Arabs and Jews, each blaming the other for keeping the conflict festering, each pointing fingers at the other side rather than at the foreigners.


Is it merely a coincidence that there is vast oil reserves in the Middle East, while at the same time the region is home to a seven-decade-long conflict? If there were no oil, would there have been an Arab-Israeli conflict?


As long as the Arabs and Jews are blaming each other, the foreigners’ role will go unnoticed, along with their profits.




What function does Israel serve?


The foreigners need a local, regional conflict presented in “moral terms” so that the peoples of the region will not pay attention to their real interests in the Middle East, such as oil and arms sales. That reason alone considering how vital maintaining the status quo is to the foreigners is enough for them to keep the conflict simmering.


Now, if you want to create and sustain a conflict, you need two sides. Israel is one of the participants, and that is its major role as far as the foreigners are concerned. This explains why, no matter how angry the US may get at Israel, it will never weaken Israel’s geo-strategic position and put the Arabs in a position where they could actually defeat Israel. It isn’t concern for Israel’s safety that motivates the western nations; it is their concern for the safety of their own vested interests.

Despite what Israelis and American Jews may believe, US aid is not given to Israel because the US identifies with the Jewish state or has pledged to safeguard Israel’s security. That is merely another cover story.

As for why the US provides military aid to Israel, Middle East scholar, Professor Stephen Zunes of the University of San Francisco, claims: “this aid is little more than an American subsidy to U.S. arms manufacturers,” considering that the majority of it must be used to buy weapons from the U.S. Moreover, arms to Israel increase demand for weaponry in the Arab states. The Israelis announced back in 1991 that they supported the idea of a freeze in Middle East arms transfers. It was the United States that rejected it.

Explaining the function of the aid America grants Israel, Zunes contends:

“In the fall of 1993, when many had high hopes for peace, 78 senators wrote to former president Bill Clinton insisting that aid to Israel remain ‘at current levels.’ Their ‘only reason’ was the ‘massive procurement of sophisticated arms by Arab states.’ The letter neglected to mention that 80% of those arms to Arab countries came from the U.S. I’m not denying for a moment the power of AIPAC [the American Israel Public Affairs Committee], the pro-Israel lobby, and other similar groups,” Zunes said. “Yet the Aerospace Industry Association which promotes these massive arms shipments… is even more influential. This association has given two times more money to campaigns than all of the pro-Israel groups combined. Its force on Capitol Hill, in terms of lobbying, surpasses that of even AIPAC. The general thrust of U.S. policy would be pretty much the same even if AIPAC didn’t exist.”

Zunes admits this is a complex issue, and says he does not want to sound “conspiratorial,” but asked us to imagine what Palestinian industriousness, Israeli technology, and Arabian oil money would do to transform the Middle East. “What would that mean to American arms manufacturers? Oil companies? Pentagon planners?”

Another Middle East analyst, Dr. Musil Shehadeh, points out:

“Israel is a reliable ally when compared to the unstable Arab regimes, while the wars in the region would keep the US military factories operating at full tilt.” (“Who Controls Whom,” The Palestine Chronicle)

Keeping Israelis focused on the idea that the Arabs want to destroy Israel is as much a part of the foreigner’s workload as exploiting the oil and ensuring it is priced in dollars. America’s “special relationship” with Israel is based on the assumption that Israel will continue to let itself be used as a surrogate to keep the conflict alive, thus maintaining the conditions required so that tens of billions of dollars in weapons contracts will be secured by western nations.

Regardless of whether such a policy is the result of a pre-conceived plan or “it just turned out that way,” it is one of the major sources of fuel for the Middle East conflict. 


EveryThing you always wanted to know about the middl est conflict but were never told (V)

In Organizaciones on 2 settembre 2007 at 02:42

Chapter Six


An economic solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict



If the foreigners’ plan is to keep the Middle East conflict going, it is logical to assume that they are not interested in the creation of a stable and prosperous Palestinian state which would create the conditions necessary for peaceful co-existence between Jews and Arabs. So it’s safe to assume that, as long as the foreign interests hold sway, a Palestinian state will never happen… purported destinations on a “road map” notwithstanding..


As they and not Israel are in control of what happens in the Middle East,
 how can the Palestinians are helped?


Let’s be honest. No political solution to the conflict will succeed if it doesn’t result in a better socio-economic life for the Palestinians. The Oslo Accords neglected economics, and thus failed.  If peace is going to take hold, economics has to take precedence over politics, not vice-versa. Economic prosperity has to be created before political stability can prevail.


Starting with the assumption that the lack of a Palestinian state is the reason the conflict continues keeps the real problems from being addressed. The fact is, Arabs can live under Israeli rule, and have, to their great benefit. The million-strong Israeli Arab population is a prime example. And even a peaceful yet indirect relationship with Israel bears fruit; the West Bank and Gaza populations never lived as well or have had their standard of living improve as rapidly as between 1967 and 1987. The worst economic conditions they have experienced in the past 35 years have come as a result of being ruled by the Palestinian Authority/PLO.


Thus it should not be automatically assumed that the best solution for the Palestinians is a Palestinian state. Even if on believes this should be the goal, however, the goal will never be realized unless the economic infrastructure is built first, and that will take time a decade or two at least. The State of Israel could not have been declared in the late 1940s if the economic and industrial infrastructure hadn’t been created over the previous 25 years. For some reason, those who advocate the establishment of a Palestinian state never bother to deal with the question of where the meat on the state’s bones will come from. Without it, a newly-created Palestinian political entity won’t last long, because the radicals from the Left or from the religious camps will have the power to challenge the legitimacy of the ruling regime due to its inability to create prosperity.


 Independent states don’t come on silver platters. Unless the Palestinians can first build the infrastructure for an independent entity, they will have no true independence, period. No amount of rhetoric can replace the need for economic development.



What should be done?


While the idea of Palestinians expressing their political aspirations via Jordan has always been considered by pro-Arab voices to be a “racist” view requiring forced relocation, that doesn’t have to be the case.


Let’s all admit that 100% of Jordan does not rightfully belong to the Hashemites. Their claim to the land was even weaker in the 1920s, when the British installed them in power, but even today, with 65% of the population being Palestinian, why doesn’t Jordan offer the “West Bank” Palestinians at least half of the country to house their political infrastructure? Why shouldn’t West Bank Arabs be encouraged to join political parties based in Amman? Why shouldn’t West Bankers use their Jordanian citizenship to further their interests? The West Bankers were part of Jordan before 1967; why shouldn’t they be associated with that political entity?


By the same token, those Israeli Arabs who do not want to identify with Israel should be given citizenship in Jordan, and be given the right to express their political aspirations there rather than in the Knesset.


None of this implies that West Bankers or Israeli Arabs must move to Jordan. But Israeli Arabs should at least have the option to vote in the Jordanian elections or the Israeli elections. One would think that the Palestinians themselves those in Jordan, the West Bank, and Israel would be the first to back such a scheme, and pressure King Hussein to finally “do the right thing.” A political union and a market of five million Palestinian and Jordanian Arabs could create a very viable, peaceful political entity.


The only “problem” is that Jordan would thus contribute to solving the Arab-Israeli conflict and improving the socio-economic conditions of the Israeli and West Bank Arabs.  If the foreigners weren’t doing everything they can to keep the Israeli-Palestinian conflict alive, this relationship between Jordan and the Israeli and West Bank Arabs would have occurred naturally.


If the foreigners only stopped interfering with the region by corrupting Arab and Israeli national leaders, this would happen, and the Arab-Israeli conflict would be solved.


What must come next? 


Having solved the issue of citizenship in the manner suggested above, West Bank Arabs would then need a better socio-economic infrastructure: roads, schools, community centers, hospitals, factories, telecommunications facilities, etc. All of this will take 10-20 years, if not longer. It took the Jews that long, and they began with a lot more going for them than the Palestinian population currently has. Let’s not be naïve in thinking that the Palestinians today can do in a shorter time what the Jews did in the early part of the last century. The Palestinians have suffered enough from deluded thinking; now is the time to start thinking about what can realistically be achieved to better their lives.


 I suggest that they be allowed and encouraged to start building that infrastructure, and leave the issue of statehood and the “right of return” aside for now. Only when that step is complete will the time be ripe to discuss whether an independent Palestinian state or an autonomous entity affiliated with Israel and/or Jordan is the way to go, and how many refugees the new West Bank and Gazan economy can absorb.


While many pro-Palestinian voices will say, “no, a Palestinian state has to be created for economic development to occur,” they are ignorant of the current economic conditions on the ground. Until these voices that support the Palestinians stop blaming Israel and point a finger or two at the low quality of Palestinian political leadership when it comes to social and economic development, the standard of living in the West Bank and Gaza will not improve. That leadership failed dismally when it had the chance, from 1993 to 2000, to improve the lives of the Palestinians. Whether a new leadership would do any better is not the issue. What is important is that all Palestinians realize they have been shortchanged by their own leaders.






Palestinian Inc.


 A new commercial, economic entity should be created to raise capital from private and public sources, to make buy, sell, or whatever helps build infrastructure for the West Bank and Gaza. It would have a board of directors and strategic advisers (not chosen by political affiliation, but by qualifications), most of whom would be Israeli Arabs and West Bank Palestinians. While there are currently a number of “Palestinian welfare organizations,” all are part and parcel of the PLO terrorist leadership, and thus suffer from the corruption of that entity.


While this may be wishful thinking, as most people reading this will say that nothing can be done in the West Bank or Gaza without the PA’s approval, then at least we know what the problem is and how to solve it: tell the PLO/PA to step aside and let someone else do the job.


 The underlying goal of Palestinians Inc. would be to offer shares to Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, wherever they may live. To become a common shareholder you must only share the organization’s basic principles and vision, which is to help the Palestinian people prosper. Membership in this new commercial/economic entity would be reserved exclusively for Israeli Arabs, West Bank and Gaza Arabs, East Bank Palestinians, and Palestinians from everywhere else in the world. And in order to ensure that this new corporation remains free of the “pneumonia” which conflict with Israel would entail, before a share is allocated a pledge would be made to support peaceful co-existence with Israel.



What type of investments and assets are we talking about? Perhaps a Palestinian cellular license awarded at low cost with the promise to raise capital in order to build a proper cellular infrastructure in the region. Perhaps a private radio or TV channel created by a wealthy Palestinian in Detroit in order to help his people. Perhaps, with a grant from an international aid agency, a new factory could be established in Jenin which produces construction material. The owner would be Palestinians Inc., and any profits would be turned over to the management of this enterprise. Any profits left over at the end of the year would be distributed among the shareholders.


It may be that Palestinians from London would use this new entity as a vehicle to export unique arts and crafts from Palestinian artists and sell them in Europe. There could be a publishing venture whereby a grant from the European Union is administered via Palestinians Inc. so that a truly free press is able to develop. Palestinians Inc. could own the rights to establish a string of McDonalds, petrol stations, and Blockbuster Video stores throughout the East Bank, West Bank and the Israeli Arab sectors of Israel. Whatever deals it does and whatever profits it earns will be for the benefit of the shareholders, just as it is in any corporation that is in business to create wealth. 


 Under this arrangement, Israel would retain control over the external borders for at least 10 years until economic development creates a stable environment, thereby marginalizing radical organizations and terrorism. The Israeli government would thus do for the Palestinians what the British did for the Jewish community in Palestine between 1921 and 1945 create an umbrella of security under which to develop the social and industrial infrastructure that enable the creation of an independent state.  Once the violence stops and people go back to work, stability will return and a period of rebuilding and reconstruction would begin.


But it is essential that such an entity remain free of the corruption that is so endemic among other Arab states; otherwise, nothing will change for the Palestinians. The solution I have proposed will never work as long this economic entity remains under the control of the current dictatorship in the West Bank and Gaza. 


Another important aspect of this solution is that the Israeli Arabs would be the natural vanguard, as they have ties to Israel. The Israeli Arabs would thus take over the role performed by Israel for nearly 30 years, and become the “senior trade partner” with the West Bank and Gaza.  It will be easier for the Palestinians to receive services from the Israeli Arabs rather than from Israel, even if those services ultimately come as a result of Israeli know-how.


For the Israeli Arabs, all this new economic activity will be welcome, considering how educated they are and how few white-color jobs there are for them in Israel. If just $5 billion of economic activity was stimulated by this new model in the first three years! Think of what a few billion in public and private investment could do to cheer the spirits of the Palestinians! How great it would be to see Israeli Arabs working these issues out with Palestinian Arabs. There would be no need to return to the days when the Israeli Civil Administration ruled over the Palestinians; the Israeli Arabs can provide all the services the Palestinian population needs. Under the peace I am describing, military rule over the Palestinians by Israel can end. 



Why this approach could work


The founders of America came up with the idea that the state should provide a small number of services, such as basic security, international customs and duties, coinage. In return for pledging a common security and common goals, those who believed in the new form of government benefited from being able to develop and prosper in peace.


The concept is the same here. The Israeli Arabs are being asked to take the West Bankers by the hand and create an economic institution that promotes trade, commerce and deal making between the Israeli Arab sector, the West Bank, the East Bank, and Gaza. That entity will be owned by anyone who “pledges allegiance” to its goals. In return, they will become instant owners in this enterprise which over time could be worth tens of billions of dollars.


 Can you imagine how things would change if people were making money and jobs were plentiful, with brand new infrastructure projects popping up everywhere? Why should it matter if the Palestinians have a state or not, if they see their lives are improving? Israel can provide political stability without having to beat up or kill Palestinians. From 1967 to 1987 the Palestinians may have been under “Israeli military occupation.” but boy were they ever advancing! In that 20-year period there were few if any military problems between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. Thus nobody can tell me regional strife and conflict is inevitable. It isn’t, because Jews and Arabs have lived together even when there was no Palestinian sovereignty.


What makes anyone think the existing Palestinian ruling class is capable of creating an independent and prosperous Palestinian state living side-by-side in peace with Israel? The fact is that the Palestinians have failed on every level to build an infrastructure for their own political entity. While this may be unpleasant for some in the Palestinian world and their supporters to hear, it’s still the simple truth. Israel and the Israeli Arabs can help them create that infrastructure in order to raise their living standards and improve their quality of life.


While many will say “but the Palestinians would never accept that,” my response is “so what?” Some may not. Many may defy Hamas and Arafat’s screeching and apply to own a piece of this new economic institution, because whoever has a share in it could be richer in the future. I have faith in the magic formula that says higher standards of living diminish the attraction of radical rhetoric.


 The Palestinians need to realize why they are living the way they are, and who is responsible for their ongoing tragedy. For the past four decades they have blindly followed Arafat and his henchmen, yet they have received nothing in return… nothing but poverty and death. It’s time they lent their support to other entities, entities that will be in a position to offer them and their children a better life. If supporters of the Palestinians outside the Middle East understood what is ultimately best for them, they too would stop advocating the creation of an independent state as the panacea, and begin to look for economic scenarios that can be applied to improve the day-to-day life of all Palestinians, wherever they may live.


Chapter Seven  



Together, Jews and Arabs can solve the Middle East conflict


If Jews and Arabs understood why there are still embroiled in this century-old conflict who created the conflict in the first place, and who wants to keep it festering then the power the Foreign Elite (FE) would dissipate.


Once both peoples realize the game that is being played with their lives (i.e. divide and rule), the foreigners will no longer find advantage in corrupting the region’s leaders. Arabs and Jews need to realize they are not each other’s number one enemy, and that they have more in common with each other than they do with the foreigners. The primary goal should be to get the foreigners’ fingers out of the Middle East pie.


 If both sides to this conflict are serious about ending the tragedy, they must begin by realizing who gains the most from the ongoing instability. 


All the Arab oil revenues that should have gone toward economic and social development have been used instead to enrich foreign weapons manufacturers. Instead of receiving the maximum benefit from the sale of their natural resources, OPEC has kept prices at a minimum because this is what the foreigners want. Instead of being invested in job-producing projects throughout the Middle East, these funds wind up in Treasury Bills and other US-based financial instruments.


For the foreigners, exploiting the Arabs and keeping the region in turmoil is very profitable. Israel gains nothing from this aspect of the Middle East conflict.


So the next time foreigners appear with yet another “roadmap” that will supposedly guide the region toward peace, perhaps we should first ask ourselves how they can be so committed to finding a peaceful solution while continuing to sell weapons to undemocratic regimes in the region.


Both peoples have the power to keep the foreigners from interfering. The way to do it is by negating the influence of the mainstream media the instrument that the foreigners use to weasel their way into the conflict in the first place.  The foreigners exploit the media, which report on every minute detail of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. If they didn’t keep the conflict in the public eye, it would soon be forgotten, and would eventually end.


Of course,  that isn’t the foreigners’ plan; they need to have a never-ending conflict so that nobody will look at their other deals in the region. To this end, Israel has to be supported, but not made strong enough to defeat the Arabs outright. The Arabs need to be presented to the Israelis as a threat, while never being allowed to actually become one. It doesn’t benefit the foreigners for either Israel or the Arabs to be victorious; they need the two sides in constant battle so that the other agendas they have on the table can proceed without public scrutiny.


Both sides to the conflict have to realize that the foreigners are able to extend the conflict by keeping the media focused on the “morality issues.” Instead of the media presenting plans to rehabilitate refugees, reduce arms sales to the region, and develop local industries to move the petrochemical industry upstream, all the reporting serves to focus blame on one side or the other.


Everyone interested in solving the Middle East conflict needs to realize that neither the Jews nor the Arabs could keep it going on their own. Only the foreigners, with their money, power, oil companies, intelligence agencies and mass media can do that. If the foreigners had really wanted the conflict to end, they would have moved to do so long ago by forcing Israel and the Arabs to compromise. They never did that because regional peace and a viable Palestinian state are not their goals.


While foreign intervention is the chief cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the main reason why it continues to exist, not all foreign elements are enemies of the Arab and Jewish peoples. Some foreigners have very constructive roles to play.


Take United States Congressman Ron Paul, for example. If he were in charge of America’s Middle East policy, the conflict would come to an end.


He offers hope when he states: 


“The tired assertion that America ‘supports democracy’ in the Middle East is increasingly transparent. It was false 50 years ago, when we

supported and funded the hated Shah of Iran to prevent the nationalization of Iranian oil, and its false today when we back an unelected military dictator in Pakistan, just to name two examples. If honest popular elections were held throughout the Middle East tomorrow, the people in most countries would elect religious fundamentalist leaders hostile to the United States. Cliché or not, the Arab street really doesn’t like America, so we should stop the charade about democracy and start pursuing a coherent foreign policy that serves America’s long-term interests.



“We should stop the endless game of playing faction against faction, and recognize that buying allies doesn’t work. We should curtail the heavy militarization of the area by ending our disastrous foreign aid payments. We should stop propping up dictators and putting band-aids on festering problems. We should understand that our political and military involvement in the region creates far more problems than it solves. All Americans will benefit both in terms of their safety and their pocketbooks if we pursue a coherent, neutral foreign policy of non-interventionism, free trade, and self-determination in the Middle East.”


Unfortunately, the history of American involvement in the region does not reflect the principles held by Paul.


Economic prosperity and stability will never come to the Middle East as long as the Foreign Elite call the shots. Only the awakening of Arabs and Jews to the deceitful practices of the foreigners can alter the status quo. Peace can only be attained from the top down, not from the bottom up.


When the foreigners come to the region, the mainstream media don’t tell us what their goals really are. Instead, we are presented with images of the US President as the great peacemaker and sponsor of yet another Middle East peace summit. Yet somehow the fact that the same person who was the leading cheerleader for the most recent war in the Middle East is now chief sponsor of the “new peace initiative” is never raised.


Despite the fact that the Oslo Accords failed completely in creating a Palestinian state, the US president now touts a “road map to peace” which has the creation of a Palestinian state as its destination. Why the previous “new peace initiative” failed is never discussed. Whether a lack of Palestinian state is the actual cause of the conflict is also never discussed. Published opinions are limited to the two extremes of the Arab and Israeli camps, which both claim that the new plan will hurt them.


No peace and more conflict. This never-ending soap opera is getting old. So why should we believe that by having President Bush smile at Arab dictators and strongmen in Aqaba, peace will prevail?



** Jews and Arabs deserve to live their lives free from the intervention of foreign elements. This research study was written to enable both sides of the conflict to come to this same conclusion, and to realize that they are not destined to hate each other and to be embroiled in this tragic conflict for perpetuity.


The observations and proposals contained in this study don’t blame either the Arabs or the Jews for the continuation of the conflict. Foreign elements created and perpetuate it. Arabs and Jews need to understand this fundamental truth before thay can free themselves from those who come bearing “peace” plans that in fact offer no hope of a peaceful future for their children.


If you believe that the contents of this study is important- please translate it into your language and post it on websites so that others can read it. It has no name attacked to it for a reason as it isn’t meant to be identified with any one person or their viewpoint.